This is a very common problem which is happening to women. Leukorrhea refers to a thin or thick, yellowish or whitish vaginal discharge which can happen in between menstruation cycles or during pregnancy and usually lasts from a few days to weeks. In most cases, this is not a serious condition and it is considered as normal as long as it does not cause itching, odor, discomfort, and irritation [1]. Leukorrhea can be caused by hormonal changes which are particularly happening due to an increase in estrogen. STD or vaginal infection can cause leukorrhea, especially if the discharge is green or yellow and is accompanied by a foul odor.
Also, there are other factors which can contribute to abnormal discharge such as diabetes, anemia, or unhygienic conditions such as a tampon left too long in the vagina. Also, there are some cases when trauma or injury to the vagina can lead to leukorrhea. In most cases, leukorrhea is not a reason for concern. But if you have a lot of discomforts, then you should talk with your doctor.
There are many prescribed medicines and over–the–counter medicines which you can use for your leukorrhea treatment. Talk with your doctor before you start using some of the mentioned home remedies for leukorrhea because we do not guarantee you that they will help you for sure. Also if you are pregnant, you need to talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies. You should try to do some light exercises or yoga on daily basis. You should avoid oily and dried foods. You need to increase the fluid intake because it can help to flush out the toxins.
11 Natural cures for leukorrhea
This home remedy has antioxidant, antifungal, and antibiotic properties which can help to prevent the bacteria from attaching to the vaginal wall and it can fight against the problem of leukorrhea [2]. You should drink one glass of unsweetened cranberry juice 2 or 3 times per day until the problem is resolved. If you do not have cranberry juice at your home, then you should take cranberry tablets. You should talk with your doctor about the correct dosage.
This home remedy has antioxidant and antiseptic properties which can help to treat leukorrhea [3]. Also, it acts as an immune booster which can speed up the recovery. You should boil 1 teaspoon of saffron in ¼ cup of water until the water is reduced to 1 tablespoon. You should divide this home remedy into 3 equal portions. You should mix one portion with an equal amount of water. You should drink this home remedy 3 times per day for a period of several days.
In Ayurvedic medicine, figs were considered a very effective home remedy for leukorrhea. They have a powerful laxative effect which can help to remove the harmful toxins and waste from the body which means it can help to reduce leukorrhea. You should soak 2 – 3 dried figs in one cup of water overnight. The next morning, you should blend the soaked figs in water and you should drink it on an empty stomach. Also, there is another option and that is to grind equal amounts of the bark of the fig tree and banyan tree into a fine powder. You should mix one tablespoon of this powder with 2 cups of water. You should use this home remedy as to a vaginal wash.
Proper undergarments
Women who suffer from leukorrhea must not use undergarments which are very tight and uncomfortable. It is proven that synthetic undergarments are bad for leukorrhea. It is very important to wash undergarments with an antibiotic solution. It can remove all infection-causing agents and also it can help to rid leukorrhea. Proper hygiene can help you to avoid the case of leukorrhea.
This is also a very effective home remedy for leukorrhea. It is also very helpful in relieving complaints like lethargy and disturbances which can accompany this problem. You should eat 1 – 2 overripe bananas per day because it can help to control leukorrhea. Also, you can mix 2 tablespoons of banana flower juice with 2 teaspoons of powdered palmyrah candy and take it once per day. You should follow these home remedies until you get the desired results. [4]
Indian gooseberry
Amla or Indian gooseberry has anti-infection properties which are very important for vaginal health. Also, it is rich in Vitamin C which can boost your immune system and it can help your body to fight off this problem [5]. You should mix 1 or 2 teaspoons of Indian gooseberry powder with enough water to make a thick paste. You should have this mixture 2 times per day for a period of a week. Also, there is another option and that is to boil one teaspoon of dried Indian gooseberry powder in one cup of water until this quantity is reduced to half. You should add a little honey or sugar and you should drink it on an empty stomach every morning. You should follow one of these home remedies for one month to have positive results.
Fenugreek seeds
They can help to improve the pH balance in the vagina and it is believed that they affect estrogen levels. Also, these seeds work as a natural immune booster. You should soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. The next morning, you should strain the water and add ½ teaspoon of honey. You should drink this home remedy on an empty stomach. Also, you can boil 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in 4 cups of water for thirty minutes. You should strain it and allow it to cool. You should use this water as a vaginal wash 3 or 4 times per day until the symptoms subside. [6]
This home remedy has strong healing and medicinal properties which are very beneficial for the natural treatment of leukorrhea. The fruit, as well as its rind and leaves, can be used. You should drink a glass of freshly extracted pomegranate juice once per day for one month. Also, you should grind together thirty fresh pomegranate leaves and ten black peppercorns. You should mix this paste in half a glass of water. Strain it and drink it 2 times per day for 3 weeks. Also, there is another option and that is to dry the rind of pomegranate and grind or crush it into a powder. You should mix one tablespoon of this powder with 2 cups of water. You should use this home remedy for a vaginal douche. [7]
Apple cider vinegar
This is a very beneficial home remedy for leukorrhea. It can help to restore the pH balance of the body. Also, it has antiseptic and acidic properties which can help to restore the acidic quality of the vaginal flora and to reduce the vaginal odor. You should mix equal amounts of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and distilled water. You should use this home remedy as to a vaginal wash once or twice per day for a period of a few days. Also, you can drink a glass of water mixed with one or 2 teaspoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar once per day. The douching is considered effective by many but there is no or there is little evidence and even it is advised not to use this home remedy because it can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina.
Indian lilac
It is also known as neem or margosa and it is a very effective home remedy for treating vaginal odor which can occur with leukorrhea [8]. It has antiseptic properties which can help to fight off the vaginal infection and to reduce the itching and other discomforts which are associated with leukorrhea. You should boil a handful of neem leaves in water. Strain it and allow it to cool. You should use this home remedy to rinse the vaginal area once per day for a period of a few weeks. Also, you can dry roast a handful of neem leaves in a pan. You should allow it to cool and then crush them to make a fine powder. Mix 2 teaspoons of this paste with enough water to make a paste. You should apply this home remedy to your vagina and surrounding area. You should do this natural treatment two times per day for a period of a few days.
Okra or lady’s finger is very beneficial in the treatment of leukorrhea. It is mucilaginous in nature which can help to remove the mucous from the system and it will reduce the vaginal discharge [9]. You should wash 100 g okras and cut them into small pieces. You should boil this okra into pieces in half a liter or about 2 cups of water for twenty minutes until the water is reduced to half. You should strain and divide this home remedy into 3 parts. You should take one part of this home remedy with some honey 3 times per day. You should follow this home remedy until this condition improves.
[1] Abid M, Jyoti, Kumar K, et al. Assessment of leucorrhea diseases in female students. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research. 2016;5(4):116-118.
[2] Jass J, Reid G. Effect of cranberry drink on bacterial adhesion in vitro and vaginal microbiota in healthy females. The Canadian Journal of Urology. 2009;16(6):4901-7.
[3] Ferrence SC, Bendersky G. Therapy with saffron and the goddess at Thera. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 2004;47(2):199-226.
[4] Ilankoon P, Cse G, Perera PPR, Fernandopulle R. Vaginal discharge: Women’s health seeking behaviours and cultural practices. International Journal of Current Research. 2015;7(6):17473-79.
[5] MakG. Health benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry). 2013. Retrieved from
[6] Sahu AS, Dolai D, Sinha NK, et al. An approach to managing leucorrhoea by life style modification and home remedies. Indian Journal of Biological Sciences. 2015;21:10-16.
[7] Zarfeshany A, Asgary S, Javanmard SH. Potent health effects of pomegranate. Advanced Biomedical Research. 2014;3:100.
[8] Hashmat I, Azad H, Makbul SAA. Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) – A nature’s drugstore: An overview. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 2012;1(6):76-79.
[9] Alqasoumi SI. ‘Okra’ Hibiscus esculentus L.: A study of its hepatoprotective activity. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 2012;20(2):135-141.