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Itchy eyes home remedy treatment

One of the most common problems all around the world are itchy eyes. This problem can get worse during the allergy season or in a high – polluted environment. When we have itchy eyes, then we have unpleasant sensation in and around our eyes. People who frequently rub or touch their eyes can have recurring problem. If you want to get instant relief, then you should try some of the mentioned natural itchy eyes home remedy treatments. You can find many of these natural remedies in your kitchen. But before you start using some of the mentioned natural cures, you need to talk with your doctor because in many cases itchy eyes are caused by some underlying condition. You should know the underlying condition before you start with the natural treatment.

Itchy eyes home remedy Treatments

Green tea: Green tea is one of the best natural cures for itchy eyes because it has many health benefits that will give you a relief from this condition. It has anti – inflammatory properties which can soothe your eyes [1,2]. In one cup of distilled water you should boil two green tea bags. You should let this eye wash to cool completely. You should flush your eyes with this natural itchy eyes home remedy cure two times per day until you have noticed that the symptoms subside.

Water and salt: One of the most effective natural treatments for getting a relief from itchy and painful eyes is the water and salt. They are available in all homes. This is a very effective combination for getting a relief from inflamed and irritated eyes when you use it as eye rinse. This natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment will help you to wash away the debris that is collected in your eyes. We know that the salt is antibacterial agent which can kill bacteria. You should make a natural eye wash by mixing one teaspoon of salt in one cup of distilled water. You should boil this natural cure until the salt is dissolved completely. You should let this natural treatment to cool. Then, you should use it to flush your eyes. You should repeat this natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment several times per day in a period of two to three days.

Rosewater: One of the most effective natural remedies for itchy eyes is the pure rosewater. This natural remedy will soothe and cool your eyes and it will help you to clear them. You can use this natural cure in a couple of ways. You should rinse your eyes with this natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment at least two times per day. If you want to get an instant relief of your itchy eyes, then you should use this natural cure as eye drops. You should put 3 drops of this natural cure in your inflamed eye. [3]

Cold milk: One of the most popular natural cures for itchy eyes is the milk. You should dab a cotton ball in cold milk and then you should rub this cotton ball around your eyes. You should place a cotton ball soaked in milk on your eyes. This natural cure will give you a cooling effect on your eyes. You should do this natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment two times per day, once in the evening and once in the morning.

Natural cures for itchy eyes, itchy eyes home remedy

Cucumber: Cucumber is one of the best natural cures for itchy eyes because it has anti – irritation properties because it can help you to reduce irritation, swelling, puffiness and inflammation which are symptoms of itchy eyes [4]. You should wash a cucumber and then you should cut it into thin slices. You should put these slices in a refrigerator for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, you should put these slices over your eyes and let them stay at least ten minutes. You should repeat this natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment 4 – 5 times per day.

Cold compress: If you want to get an instant relief from the itchy eyes, then you should apply a cold compress around the affected eye area. One of the simplest ways to make a cold compress is to soak a cloth in ice cold water and you should put this cloth on your eyes. You should do this natural treatment several times per day. Also you can use chamomile tea bags as your natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment (cold compress) for itchy eyes. You should put used chamomile tea bags in your refrigerator in a period of half an hour. You should apply these tea bags on the affected eyes and let them stay there in a period of ten minutes. If you want to have a fast recovery, then you should do this natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment 3 – 4 times per day.

Raw potatoes: If you suffer from itchy eyes, then you can use raw potatoes as your natural treatment for it because it can give you a quick relief from this condition. This is possible because it has astringent properties. This natural cure will also give you a relief from the inflammation and redness. You should cut a raw potato into thin slices and you should put them in a refrigerator in a period of several minutes. Then, you should put these chilled raw potato slices on your eyes and let them stay there in a period of fifteen to twenty minutes. You should do this natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment every day in a period of 2 – 3 days, every night before you go to sleep.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is also a very effective natural cure for itchy eyes because it has moisturizing and soothing properties that can give you a relief from the itchy, sore and dry eyes. You should mix one – half cup of elderberry blossom tea, one teaspoon of honey and Aloe Vera gel extracted from an Aloe leaf. You should rinse your eyes with this natural itchy eyes home remedy treatment at least two times per day until you have noticed that your problem is solved. Also you can use Aloe Vera juice as your eye wash for the itchy eyes. [5,6]

Vegetable juices: You should drink raw vegetable juices such as carrot and spinach juices if you want to get a relief from the itchy eyes. You can drink them separately or you can combine them. You should drink the raw vegetable juice two times per day until you have noticed that you have a relief from the itchy eyes.

Fenugreek: There are some studies in which is shown that the fenugreek can also give us a relief from the itchy eyes [7]. You should soak fenugreek seeds in water for 7 – 8 hours and then you should make a smooth paste from these seeds. You should apply this paste over your eyes. You should let this paste to stay on your eyes for twenty minutes. You should wash this paste off with cold water. If you want to have the best results, then you should do this natural treatment two times per day. These natural itchy eyes home remedy have not shown any side effect and they are very effective. But if you have tried some of the mentioned home remedies and you do not have relief from the itchy eyes, then you should talk with an eye specialist.

Carrot juice: Carrot juice is one of the best juices for our eyes. They have great nutritional value which means that carrots are one of the biggest sources of beta carotene and Vitamin A. Carrots are also rich with Vitamin E (alpha – Tocopherol), Vitamin B (Vitamin B6, riboflavin, Thiamin, Niacin and folate) and Vitamin K. these properties of carrots will strengthen your eyes and it will help you to rid of the eye itchiness in a very short period. It is recommended drinking at least one glass of carrot juice every day if you want to have healthy eyes and to keep away from the itchy eyes.

Take ample rest: If you have itchy eyes or eye allergy, then you should not do any kind of activity that will cause strain in your eyes. These include playing games, watching television, looking into your mobile phones or monitors. You should lie down in a quiet and calm environment and you should relax your body and mind. You should take a deep breath and you should let your eyes to take care of this problem in natural way. This is an effective itchy eyes home remedy treatment for the mild allergy. When your eyes are producing tears, then this is a normal process for which you should not be worried. This natural mechanism of your eyes will clear any impurities or dust particles from within.

Care for eyes: You just do not need to take adequate rest. Also you should care about your eyes. These factors include maintaining clean pillow covers and bed sheets and also getting rid of the eye makeup till you have noticed that the eye itchiness has completely gone. If you do not do these factors, then your itchiness can get just worse. You should not use the eye products which are used during the eye itchiness and before the eye itchiness. You should throw them away. Also you should avoid constant contact of your hands into your eyes because they can be source of impurities and dirt which are not visible for our eyes. When you are rubbing your hands into your eyes, then you are transferring the dirt into your eyes. Before you touch your eyes with your hands, you should be sure that you have washed your hands with soap.


[1] Ohishi T, Goto S, Monira P, et al. Anti-inflammatory action of green tea. Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2016;15(2):74-90.

[2] Chatterjee P, Chandra S, Dey P, Bhattacharya S. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory effects of green tea and black tea: A comparative in vitro study. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research. 2012;3(2):136-138.

[3] Boskabady MH, Shafei MN, Saberi Z, Amini S. Pharmacological effects of Rosa damascena. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. 2011;14(4):295-307.

[4] Mukherjee PK, Nema NK, Maity N, Sarkar BK. Phytochemical and therapeutic potential of cucumber. Fitoterapia. 2013;84:227-36.

[5] Woźniak A, Paduch R. Aloe vera extract activity on human corneal cells. Pharmaceutical Biology. 2012;50(2):147-54.

[6] Samarh SN, Khalaf N, Hajhamad MMH. Evidence based medical use of aloe vera extracts, short review of literature. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;5(10):4198-202.

[7] Akbari S, Abdurahman NH, Yunus RM, et al. Extraction, characterization and antioxidant activity of fenugreek (Trigonella-Foenum Graecum) seed oil. Materials Science for Energy Technologies. 2019;2(2):349-55.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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