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Treat jaw pain naturally by taking calcium rich food & massage

Jaw pain condition can be a very debilitating condition, and it can affect your ability to speak and eat. There are many causes that can lead to jaw pain, from your sinuses and ears to your teeth and jaw itself. This means that it is very difficult to tell if the jaw pain is caused by a jaw issue or if there is something else which have caused it.

In most cases, jaw pain is caused by abnormality or injury to the joint of your jaw, but also there are other possible causes for this condition as well. The jaw pain is associated with angina–coronary heart disease or heart attacks which typically happen in our chest, but it can spread to the jaw area. Osteoarthritis, which is some type of arthritis, can affect the Tempero Mandibular Joint (TMJ), and this can lead to pain when you are moving your joint. Relaxation and softening of the joints during pregnancy which is happening due to the secretion of the relaxing hormone, can also aggravate jaw pain during pregnancy.

Infection of the bone, which is also known as osteomyelitis, cysts, and tumors, are less common causes of jaw pain. Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition of our nervous system which is causing extreme facial pain that, in some cases, can involve the jaw area. Jaw pain can be associated with other symptoms such as tenderness and aching of the areas of the face or neck, difficulty chewing, tooth pain, and a popping sensation. There are many doctors who recommend medicines such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen because they can help you to reduce jaw discomfort. But if you have decided to use some of the mentioned natural cures for jaw pain, then you need to talk with your doctor because, in this way, you can prevent any side effects.

15 Home remedies for jaw pain

Avoid caffeine

There are many cases in which our morning cup of coffee can contribute to muscle tension, and this can be increased by caffeine [1]. You should avoid large amounts of caffeinated coffee, and tea can also help you to reduce jaw pain over time, but you may initially feel muscle tension from caffeine withdrawal when you cut it out of your daily diet.


If you suffer from TMJ discomfort or pain, then it is very important to be aware of your own habits. You should avoid eating hard and chewy foods or chewing gum because they will put more stress on your TMJ muscles. You should keep your teeth apart with the jaw muscles relaxed as much as possible throughout the day. Also, you should avoid stress, and you need to learn which situations can cause you to clench your teeth because both are very important in preventing TMJ symptoms from returning or getting worse.

Reassess those pills

There are many antibiotic or contraceptive pills which will reduce your immunity and increase the muscular strain and this can aggravate the TMJ pain. You need to talk with your doctor about the pills you take and their possible TMJ-related implications.

Avoid chewy foods

Foods that are crunchy, tough, or chewy can place too great strain on your jaw joint, and also they can lead to discomfort and pain later. This means that you need to avoid some foods such as ice, chewing gum, beef jerky, and apples.

Jaw exercise

You need to open your mouth as wide as you can without feeling any pain. With your mouth wide open, you should move your jaw gradually to the right and hold on for ten seconds. Then, you should return to the middle. You should move your jaw gradually to the right and hold for ten seconds. You should return your jaw to the center and close your mouth. You should repeat it four to five times.


There are many studies in which is said that acupuncture can provide you short-term relief from painful TMJ disorder symptoms [2,3,4].

Calcium-rich foods effective in allaying TMJ pain

It is a known fact that an average adult needs a daily intake of ten grams of calcium. There are many calcium-rich foods that are very effective natural treatments for curing TMJ, such as spinach, cabbage, green peas, groundnut, almond, oranges, sesame, coconut, banana, wheat flour with husk, unpolished rich and unboiled milk. You need to rid of junk food and replace it with fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains; then, you will notice alleviation in the TMJ symptoms and other symptoms which are associated with jaw pain.

Physical therapy

Stretching and range of motion exercises are designed by physical therapists, and they can help you to get relief from jaw pain. Also, they will restore the proper movement and function of the jaw. [4]

Herbal remedies for TMJ pain

There are several herbs that have been found to be a very effective natural cure for TMJ. The most commonly used herbs as the natural treatment for jaw pain are: Methylsulfonylmethane – this herb is used to reduce inflammation and alleviate the muscular spasm, Kali Phosphorica – this herb is used to reduce nerve pain, Kava – this herb is used to relax the nervous system; Magnesia Phosphorica – which is an antispasmodic herb and also it eases the stiff muscles, Valerian Officinalis – this herb is used to relax muscular tension and Rhus Toxicodendron – this herb is used to loosen stiff jaw. Extracts from these mentioned natural cures can be massaged on your jaws to give you relief from TMJ-related pain.

Vitamin B complex

When we have Vitamin B deficiency, then it can induce stress which can result in TMJ pain [5]. In most cases, it is recommended to use Vitamin B complex capsules for around fifteen days to address any possible Vitamin B deficiency, but you need to talk with your doctor about the recommended amount for you. This is a very important mineral that repairs and builds our body cartilage, and it can give relief from the swelling, stiffness, and pain in joint disorders such as osteoarthritis, rheumatism and TMJ, and several other joint disorders. Glucosamine Sulfate can be a very effective natural cure for TMJ. It is characterized by cartilage deterioration. But this element also has some side effects, and this is a reason why you should take this natural cure under the guidance of your doctor. Gingko Biloba is one of the richest sources of Glucosamine Sulfate which is found in its natural form. Spinach and raw parsley are other natural sources of Glucosamine Sulfate.

jaw pain

Stress reduction

You should try stress–relieving techniques that can help you to reduce jaw clenching [4]. These techniques include meditation, journaling, and yoga. The mentioned activities can help reduce your risk of jaw pain if this condition is caused by stress.

Massage the affected joint

You should use your middle finger and index finger to press the sore areas of your jaw. This is the area right before your ear where your jaw joints meet. You should rub in a circular motion for five to ten seconds rotations, then you should open your mouth, and you should repeat this exercise. You should massage the muscles on the side of your neck because this can also help you to get relief from jaw tension. [4]

Apply moist heat or ice packs

You should place ice in a plastic bag. Then, you should wrap it in a thin cloth, and then you should apply this natural cure to your face. Hold it for ten minutes. Then, you should take it off for ten minutes before you reapply it. Also, there is another option that you can use as your natural treatment for jaw pain, and that is to run warm water over a washcloth and then you should apply it to your jaw area. The moist heat can relax your overactive jaw muscles, and also it can give you relief from the pain. You may have to re-wet the washcloth several times because, in this way, you will maintain the heat. Also, you can use ice or heat packs purchased at a pharmacy. But they need to be covered in cloth at all times because in another way they will burn your skin. If you feel too cold or too hot, then you should remove it.

Change defective sitting posture habits

It is a known fact that the wrong sitting posture is the major cause of TMJ pain. You need to make a habit of sitting as erect as you can. If your job requires sitting for long hours, then you should ensure that you will use a chair with correct lumbar support. You should take short intermittent breaks to relax and stretch your spines. We know that habits are hard to change, but if you have noticed that you are slouching on the desk, then you should try to get back to the correct posture. [4]

Plain body massage

Plain body massage with tea tree oil, bergamot oil, juniper oil or sandalwood oil, or any other type of essential oil, can help you to improve blood circulation and also gives you relief from the pain which is associated with the TMJ.


[1] Wilk M, Kryzsztofik M, Maszczyk A, et al. The acute effects of caffeine intake on time under tension and power generated during the bench press movement. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2019;16:8.

[2] Wu J-Y, Zhang C, Xu Y-P, et al. Acupuncture therapy in the management of the clinical outcomes for temporomandibular disorders: A PRISMA-compliant meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017;96(9):e6064.

[3] Noiman M, Garty A, Maimon Y, et al. Acupuncture for treating temporomandibular disorder: Retrospective study on safety and efficacy. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian  Studies. 2010;3(4):260-66.

[4] Gil-Martinez A, Paris-Alemany A, López-de-Uralde-Villanueva I, La Touche R. Management of pain in patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD): challenges and solutions. Journal of Pain Research. 2018;11:571-87.

[5] Mehra P, Wolford LM. Serum nutrient deficiencies in the patient with complex temporomandibular joint problems. Proceedings (Baylor University, Medical Center). 2008;21(3):243-7.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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