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Angina – Natural treatments and effective Home Remedies

Angina is a term which is used for chest pain that is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. The most common cause of reduced blood flow to your heart muscle is CAD (coronary artery disease). The heart arteries can become narrowed by deposits which are known as plaques. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. This term “angina” is a symptom of coronary artery disease. Angina is typically described as pain, tightness, heaviness, pressure or squeezing in your chest. This condition is also known as angina pectoris and it can be recurring problem or a sudden and acute health concern. This is a common condition and it is hard to distinguish from other types of chest pain such as the discomfort or pain of indigestion. If you have noticed that you have unexplained chest pain, then you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Symptoms which are associated with angina include: dizziness, sweating, shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea, pain in your arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back accompanying chest pain and chest pain or discomfort [1]. Talk with your doctor for the mentioned natural cures are effective home treatment for you. Here are some home remedies for angina:

Angina – Natural treatments and Home Remedies


All vegetables are rich in proteins and carbohydrates. They can provide essential nutrients needed for body growth and function. Moreover, they do not have lipids in them. Meat can give you bad lipids and increase your uric acid level. Vegetables also have anti-oxidants that increase overall healthy and immunity. This is why eating more vegetables and adding up salads in every meal is a must if you are suffering from angina. [2]

Drop Meat and Add Fish

Fish is the best animal food in heart disease. It has Omega 3 which helps fight your cholesterol [3]. Fish is richer in protein content and has fewer levels of fats and cholesterol. It is recommended to take fish twice weekly for people who have any heart disease. The best aspect of eating fish is that it replenishes your Vitamin D levels. Most of us spend long hours inside the buildings and rarely expose ourselves to the sunshine that induces Vitamin D formation in the body. However, by eating fish twice weekly can solve the problem. When it comes to choosing fish with high Omega 3 content, you should buy Salmon, Albacore Tuna, Lake Trout and Herring.

Olive Oil

People with heart disease are advised to use olive oil for all cooking purposes. Olive oil has traditional significance in healing serious diseases. Religious healers also prefer it. Scientifically, olive oil has proven to be important in lowering the risk of heart attack [4]. The structure of olive oil is such that it has fewer amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. This means that there are fewer triglycerides and LDLs circulating in your blood to accumulate and form plaques. The level of good cholesterol or HDL is increased when you are cooking your food in olive oil. Olive oil is a little expensive but worth it in the end. Studies have confirmed that heart diseases are less prevalent in the Mediterranean region. Scientists think that this may be because olive oil is frequently used in this region for cooking purposes. Olive oil can prevent heart disease to occur in the first place and once it has occurred, it is quite helpful in reducing the risk of heart attack.anal fissure, angina remedy, bunions,

Add Garlic

Adding 2 or 3 garlic cloves to your daily meal should not be a problem when it can do magic for you. Eating raw garlic morning helps wash away the cholesterol from your blood vessels [5]. Ancient and modern medicine has confirmed the benefits of garlic. Garlic is also available in prickles and pastes that are easy to use when you are cooking. It is also available in Western countries in the form of sauces. The best effect, however, comes when it is eaten raw and fresh. It also has a blood thinning effect that health experts think, is essential in preventing heart disease and episodes of Angina.

Fresh Parsley

Parsley is known to slow down the progression of heart disease. It has many benefits for people who have Angina. Fresh leaves of Parsley sprinkled over the cooked food or dried Parsley added as a spice in food can do the job. You can also find a few nice recipes to make Parsley tea.


Lemonades are delicious and simple to make. They are best for heart protection. The citrus content is effective to remove the plaques on the vessel walls. It is also effective for many other health problems. Lemon also helps to reduce weight. Lemon juice can be added to salads and sprinkled over cooked foods. The taste and fragrance of lemon are refreshing for a sick patient.

Bran Cereal

Bran cereal is the fiber food that counters cholesterol in the blood [6]. It can cause excretion of cholesterol through the intestine. The cholesterol that is present in the food is trapped by the fibers and is removed in stools. This is an excellent remedy for controlling heart disease. One cup of bran cereal every day helps you boost up your heart.


Onions should be eaten raw in salads. Adding up an onion to your breakfast can help lower down the-the cholesterol levels [7]. You can then use a mouth freshener to start up your day fresh and cholesterol free. Onions can also lower risk of catching up infections. Infections precipitate heart disease very quickly.


Peanuts have bad lipids in very low amount. They help very well in bringing down blood cholesterol and erasing cholesterol plaques from the blood vessels [8]. An important mechanism is by reducing inflammation that slows up the evolution of these plaques into dangerous occlusive plaques causing heart attacks.


The best about natural remedies are that they are sweet as honey. Taking a spoon of honey in the early morning has beneficial effects on the blood flow of heart. It also helps build up good cholesterol in your body. The anti-oxidant properties of honey make it ideal for lowering down bad lipids in your body. Honey can also relieve a cough that happens in heart patients due to many reasons.

Cayenne pepper

Angina occurs when there is inflammation of the damaged vessel wall due to exposure of plaque to blood. Cayenne paper is rich in capsaicin that has anti-inflammatory properties [9]. This can be used to alleviate the pain of Angina.

Fish Oil

If your blood cholesterol levels are markedly high then using fish oil that has concentrates of Omega 3 and Vitamin D can help to bring quickly down the bad cholesterol and add up good cholesterol [3]. The progression of heart disease occurs quickly if bad cholesterol spikes up for even a short time.

Basil or Tulsi

This plant is considered sacred in Hindu religion and has been associated with prosperity. When planted in a garden or home, it is highly regarded, some even worship the plant. Together with the other charms of Basil, its leaves have a heart-strengthening effect. These leaves can be boiled and chewed to achieve the maximum effect.


Grapes have citrus content like lemon and orange. They are also rich in fructose that is a form of sugar. It nourishes the heart and other organs of the body. They are, like other fruits, rich in antioxidants that are vital for your well-being.


Fruits rich in citric acid like orange, pineapple, grapefruit also fight cholesterol built up. Fruits other than that like strawberries, kiwi, can help build up anti-oxidant stores in the body that fight diseases and increase immunity [10].

Terminalia Arjuna

Terminalia is a tree. The leaves and the stem of this tree are used in Herbal medicine. This herb has shown to be effective for Angina and heart failure. It relieves the symptoms of pain and breathlessness. The traditional Ayurvedic herb has been used for thousands of years. It is known to stimulate the heart and improve its overall function. Amazingly, it does not have any side effects on other organs.


Hawthorn is the name of a plant. Its leaves and berries have healing qualities that cure diseases of heart and blood vessels. It is also effective lowering blood pressure. If used in patients with Congestive Cardiac Failure, it improves the function of the heart such that the heart pumps with greater force.It also burns up the fat stores in your liver. It clears away plaques from the arteries supplying vital organs.

Winter Cherry or Ashwagandha

It is an herbal medicine that is fantastic for decreasing stress on the heart. It maintains a healthy myocardium (heart muscle). It prevents the heart attack from happening in which the heart muscle dies. This herbal medicine also has other effects on health that reduce stress.


Inula is a herb that was used by the Romans. Its impact on the heart is to improve rhythm and pumping. It finds its use in treating the pain of Angina and symptoms of heart failure. The classic symptom of breathlessness upon exertion can be overcome by use of this herbal medicine.


Guggul is an herbal medicine. It is a resin obtained from Mukul Myrrh tree. It enhances the accumulation of good cholesterol in blood from the gut [11]. It also improves blood circulation of the heart and other vital organs of the body, nourishing them and improving their function. One of its property is to remove toxic materials from the blood.This may decrease the inflammation of blood vessels. It was used to treat Angina Pectoris in ancient times and is still effective.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is popular for skin and hair problems. Also, it has benefits to the heart. It regulates blood pressure decreasing the workload on the heart. An added advantage is to lower cholesterol. It enhances oxygenation of blood that means heart muscles are going to get more oxygen. [12]


[1] Jones MM, Somerville C, Feder G, Foster G. Patients’ descriptions of angina symptoms: a qualitative study of primary care patients. British Journal of General Practice. 2010;60(579):735-41.

[2] Massera D, Graf L, Barba S, Ostfeld R. Angina rapidly improved with a plant-based diet and returned after resuming a Western diet. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology. 2016;13(4):364-6.

[3] Jump DB, Depner CM, Tripathy S. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and cardiovascular disease: Thematic review series: New lipid and lipoprotein targets for the treatment of cardiometabolic diseases. The Journal of Lipid Research. 2012;53(12):2525.

[4] Guasch-Ferre M, Hu FB, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, et al. Olive oil intake and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in the PREDIMED Study. BMC Medicine. 2014;12:78.

[5] Penn State. Cholesterol inhibitors in garlic identified. Science Daily. 1998.

[6] The New York Times. Lots of oat bran found to cut cholesterol. 1992. Retrieved from

[7] The Endocrine Society. Onion extract may improve high blood sugar and cholesterol. Science Daily. 2015.

[8] Colpo E, de Avila Villanova CD, Reetz LGB, et al. A single consumption of high amounts of the Brazil nuts improves lipid profile of healthy volunteers. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2013;2013:653185.

[9] McCarty MF, DiNicolantonio JJ, O’Keefe JH. Capsaicin may have important potential for promoting vascular and metabolic health. Open Heart. 2015;2(1):e000262.

[10] Slavin JL, Lloyd B. Health benefits of fruits and vegetables. Advances in Nutrition. 2012;3(4):506-16.

[11] Guggul—An ancient cure with scientific evidence for heart disease. 2019. Retrieved from

[12] Surjushe A, Vasani R, Saple DG. Aloe vera: A short review. Indian Journal of Dermatology. 208;53(4):163-6.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]



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