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Natural treatment & home remedies for premature ejaculation

This condition happens when a man experience uncontrolled ejaculation which happens too quickly. Premature ejaculation can happen right after sexual penetration despite he is not getting stimulated enough or even can happen before intercourse. This condition is not physically dangerous but couples can feel embarrassed and dissatisfied and this is a very common reason for low self – esteem in men. This sexual dysfunction generally happens when you are experiencing an injury, hormonal imbalance, excessive anxiety or depression.

There are some studies in which are said that 1 in 3 men suffer from premature ejaculation at some point of their lives [1]. Many men do not visit urologist to talk about this problem but you should know that it is treatable condition. There are many men who suffer from premature ejaculation but they feel embarrassed to talk about it. If you occasionally or consistently have trouble getting or maintain an erection, then you have a risk of premature ejaculation.

Also, the emotional or mental strain in any area of your life can play a big role in the premature ejaculation which will limit your ability to relax and focus during sexual intercourse. If you do not treat the premature ejaculation with time, then it can lead to problems in your relationship. In some cases, the premature ejaculation can make fertilization difficult for couples who want to have a baby if the ejaculation does not happen intravaginally. If you suffer from premature ejaculation, then you should talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies so in this way you will avoid side effects.

Premature ejaculation treatment at home

home remedies for premature ejaculation

Carrots: Carrots are one of the most used vegetables all around the world. Also, carrots can be used as a home remedy for premature ejaculation. This home remedy has a libido – improving property which can help you to control your ejaculation. You should eat boiled carrots with egg and honey on regular basis. You can take a half – boiled egg and mix it with grated carrots. You should take three teaspoons of honey and mix this mixture. You can consume this natural treatment on daily basis in a period of 3 months to get best results. When you have noticed that your problem has decreased, then you should slowly stop consuming eggs.

Deep breathing: This technique can help to keep the tension and arousal of early ejaculation in control. Before having sexual intercourse, you should take one deep breath and spend at least five seconds holding the breath. After that, you should exhale slowly in the next 5 seconds. This type of exercise should be done in a period of minimum five minutes without making brakes.

Lady finger: This is a very effective home remedy for premature ejaculation. You should include this vegetable in your daily diet or you can consume it as powder. You can consume this powder on regular basis.

Masturbation: It is noticed that masturbating one or two hours before sexual intercourse can help to delay the ejaculation during penetration. This can help to reduce your need to climax quickly.

Kegel exercise: Kegel exercises are done to strengthen the pelvic region of men. They can help to prevent and control the premature ejaculation. If you do not know where your pelvic floor muscles are located, then you should stop urination in midstream or tighten the muscles to keep you from passing gas. Men should practice controlling of pelvic floor muscles on a regular basis. You should not use your thighs, buttocks or abdominals. These parts should be absolutely loose when you are doing Kegel exercises. You should do three sets on daily basis and you should give yourself about ten second gap between each set. [2,3]

Balanced diet: It is very important to kick off junk foods, such as caffeinated beverages, chilies and chocolate from your diet so in this way you can control your sexual dysfunction. Your diet should be rich in foods that have iron, calcium, selenium and zinc because they can help you to have better control and strength. Also, low protein food and high carbohydrate foods can help to release the serotonin and ease anxiety. Some of the best foods which you should add in your diet are peas; garlic; dark chocolate; beef and lamb; sesame seeds; chickpeas; kidney beans; almonds; wheat germ cereal; spinach; yogurt; soybeans; pumpkin seeds and oysters.

Zinc: This mineral can support the healthy immunity and cell growth and also it can help to produce testosterone, as well as boost your energy and libido. It is recommended taking 11 mg of zinc on daily basis because it can help to improve the ejaculation time. There was one study in 2009 done on rats in which was shown that zinc supplements can increase testosterone and this can improve the sexual problems, such as premature ejaculation. You should talk with your doctor how much zinc you should consume because if it is taken in excessive amounts, then it can lead to a metallic taste in your mouth; kidney and stomach damage; diarrhea; vomiting and nausea. [4,5]

Asparagus: There are some studies in which are said that roots of asparagus can help to avoid premature ejaculation. You can boil the roots of asparagus in milk and drink this home remedy two times per day because it can strengthen your control over the penile muscles.

Stop – start technique: This type of technique is also known as orgasm control or “edging” and it can help you to delay the climax by drawing out pleasure. When you feel the urge to ejaculate, then you should stop having sexual activity completely. When you feel less aroused, then you should start having sexual activity again. You should repeat this technique as much as needed to help you control the ejaculation.

Garlic: This home remedy possesses aphrodisiac properties and it can help to elongate the duration of your intercourse without ejaculating prematurely [6]. Garlic cloves have anti – inflammatory and anti – bacterial properties which can help to improve the blood circulation in your body and also heat it up to enhance copulation. You can fry garlic cloves in ghee or chew them every morning on an empty stomach.

Ginger and honey: When you eat ginger, then it can increase the blood circulation in the body and it can increase the blood flow to the penile muscles. This can help men to have greater control to ejaculate. Also, this home remedy can help in retaining the erection because it heats up the body which is causing faster blood flow. Honey is an aphrodisiac and it can help to enhance the potency of ginger. You should mix half a teaspoon of ginger with honey and eat it before you go to bed so in this way you can see improvements in your condition.

Pause – squeeze technique: This technique can help to treat the premature ejaculation by letting the arousal dwindle before climax. When you feel ready to ejaculate, then you should stop and tell your partner to squeeze the end of your penis where the head joins the shaft. Your partner should hold for several seconds until you no longer want to climax. You should repeat this technique as much as needed. This technique can help to delay the ejaculation without help.

Ashwagandha: This is an Indian herb which is very effective in the natural treatment of sexual problems in men. It can help to improve your brain power and also it will increase the libido in your body. This will allow men to have better control on their ejaculation and to prolong their sexual intercourse. Also, this home remedy can increase the stamina and it is very effective home remedy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction [7].

Green onion: It is known that seeds of green onion are aphrodisiac and they can help to decrease the premature ejaculation in men [8]. Also, these seeds can help men to increase their stamina and strength which will allow them to have prolonged sexual capacity. You should crush the seeds of green onion and mix them with water. You should do this home remedy three times per day before your meals. Also, you can use white onions in your diet because they can extend your sexual capacity and they will strengthen your reproductive organs.

Watermelon: This home remedy has a phytonutrient which is called citrulline and it can help to increase the libido. You should cut the watermelon into small pieces and you should sprinkle some powdered ginger and salt. You can eat it alone or you can mix it in a fruit salad.


[1] Urology Care Foundation. What is premature ejaculation? Retrieved from

[2] Park SH, Kang CB. Effect of kegel exercises on the management of female stress urinary incontinence: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Advances in Nursing. 2014.

[3] Golmakani N, Zare Z, Khadem N, et al. The effect of pelvic floor muscle exercises program on sexual self-efficacy in primiparous women after delivery. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2015;20(3):347–53.

[4] Dissanayake DMAB, Wijesinghe PS, Ratnasooriya WD, Wimalasena S. Effects of zinc supplementation on sexual behavior of male rats. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. 2009;2(2):57–61.

[5] Medical News Today. 2017. Can zinc help treat erectile dysfunction? Retrieved from

[6] Bansal P. Garlic-potential substitute to synthetic aphrodisiacs for erectile dysfunction. Journal of Pharmacy Research. 2010;3(12):3072-4.

[7] Mamidi P, Thakar AB. Efficacy of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal. Linn.) in the management of psychogenic erectile dysfunction. AYU. 2011;32(3):322–8.

[8] Banihani SA. Testosterone in males as enhanced by onion (Allium Cepa L.). Biomolecules. 2019;9(2):75.

Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar
Dr. Ramesh kumar, BAMS is naturopathy doctor who is well versed with health benefits of all fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants


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