Erectile dysfunction is the inability to keep an erection or to get an erection. This inability could be a problem if you want to have sex. If you have erectile dysfunction from time to time, you should not be worried. This will not be a problem in your future sexual life. But, if the erectile dysfunction is continuing all the time and you see problems in your own body-like, like stress, changing your self-confidence, and changing your ability to talk with your partner, then you should be worried. This could be serious erectile dysfunction.
Also, if you have erectile dysfunction, this could mean that you have underlying health conditions. To keep your health safe, you should visit your doctor and talk with him about your problems. Even if you are feeling embarrassed, you must visit your doctor. Sometimes, your doctor will find that the reason for your erectile dysfunction is an underlying problem. Treating this underlying problem will improve your health, and you will not see in the future problems with your penis.
Everyone knows that there are medicines and home remedies. Natural remedies have more power in themselves which can help you against erectile dysfunction. We give you here some natural remedies for erectile dysfunction.
11 Erectile Dysfunction Home Remedy and Natural cures
Horny Goat Weed
Horny goat weed is also known by its name Epimedium. This plant has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine. Powders, tears, and pills are made from an extract of this plant. This plant has this name after a Chinese goat herder who had noticed that his goats had increased sexual activity after they ate this plant. Horny goat weed and similar herbs have been used in treatments for erectile dysfunction for years. Studies of some animals which have eaten the horny goat weed have shown that they had increased erections. [1,2]
Pomegranate juice
Drinking pomegranate juice when you have erectile dysfunction has shown in many cases that there are numerous health benefits. Some of these benefits are it is improving erectile dysfunction, reducing the risk of heart disease, and reducing the risk of high blood pressure. This plant is an antioxidant. The myth about antioxidants began when it was proven that antioxidants in berries help nitric oxide last longer in the bloodstream. There is no sure proof that drinking antioxidants can improve your erectile dysfunction 100%, but many people believe drinking pomegranate juice helped them improve their sexual life. Many famous doctors have also said that pomegranate juice has good effects on your life. Even if their patients are not improving their health condition with erectile dysfunction by drinking pomegranate juice, they are improving their physical health. [3]
Zinc Supplements
Zinc supplements are excellent for people who are on a diet. They are great for having a healthy lifestyle. They are also good for the heart. If you are consuming zinc supplements, you will have improved your erection. Many doctors recommend zinc supplements when their patients have erectile dysfunction. They contain Vitamin A and Vitamin E.
If you are using zinc supplements, you will improve your erectile dysfunction, and you will also benefit your total health. You will feel stronger than you were. But also, if you want to improve your erection, you should lose weight, stop smoking and do a lot of exercises. Nothing is magic. Even not the zinc supplements. If you do not try hard to improve your health, no one will help you. [4]
Ginseng is a Korean herb. This Korean herb has been used for a long time in the battle against erectile dysfunction. It is known for this plant that has stimulated male sexual functions. Every man who has problems with their erection should consult with their doctor. They will them if they should use ginseng or not.
There are many studies that have shown that ginseng improves erectile dysfunction. Ginseng helps to alleviate symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Also, ginseng brought enhanced penile tips rigidly. In many cases, men who used Korean red ginseng improved better their erectile dysfunction than the people who used ginseng from their placebo-popping counterparts. Not only does ginseng improve erectile dysfunction, but also this herb can be good for men with mood disorders, immune system disorders, and heart disease. [5]
Testosterone is essential to have a quality sexual life and healthy libido. Men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction have low testosterone. This could improve when a man is getting testosterone treatment. In some cases, taking over-the-counter supplements containing DHEA can help alleviate some cases of erectile dysfunction. But some doctors who have done deep research on this topic said that some individuals who were taking DHEA had shown negative results.
One of these problems could be the suppression of the pituitary. But DHEA is not only good for men, but also for women. Many studies have shown that when women take DHEA, it increases their libido. If you take DHEA in small doses, that will be sure for your health. But sometimes, using DHEA can cause acne. [6,7]
This amino acid is naturally present in the body. Amino acid L-arginine naturally occurs in food. L-arginine helps to make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is helping to blood vessels to relax and for men to have a successful erection. There are many researchers on this topic.
The most famous research is from 1999. Studies have shown that taking L-arginine improves men’s sexual life. Men who had taken L-Arginine are not having problems with their erectile dysfunction. The first famous study about L-Arginine has shown that 31% of men who have erectile dysfunction by taking 5 grams of L-arginine a day improved their sexual life [8].
Another famous study has shown that L-arginine combined with pycnogenol has improved the sexual life of 80% of the men who were having this treatment just for two months [9].
Pycnogenol is a plant product from tree bark. This study has also shown that 92% of the men have improved their sexual ability after three months.
Many clinical cases have shown that this herb, combined with a drug used to treat depression, has improved the quality of men’s sexual life. This herb is from an African tree.
Before Viagra, it was discovered that many doctors were recommending to their patients suffering from erectile dysfunction to have a natural remedy of Yohimbe. But the cases from the modern era have shown that Yohimbe is not as good as it was before. This is told because taking Yohimbe can increase your anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches.
So experts recommend if their patients have erectile dysfunction, not first to concentrate on Yohimbe, you should first use the herbs we listed above. [10]
Panax ginseng
Panax ginseng is called herbal Viagra. There is research on this herb. One famous research is from 2008. Men which were in this study were using 600 to 1000 mg three times per day. They are also claiming the same fact, that this experience has improved their sexual life, and they are not having problems with erectile dysfunction anymore. [11]
Ginkgo Biloba
This herb has been shown to have the potential to increase the blood flow in the penis. Also, this herb is used to improve erectile dysfunction. One negative consequence of using Ginkgo Biloba is that this herb can increase the risk of bleeding. [12]
Rhodiola Rosea
Also, there was a study on Rhodiola Rosea in 2008. This study has said that using this herb helped men with erectile dysfunction. 26 of 26 men who were given 150 to 200 mg a day for three months have said that they have improved their sexual activity.
Herbal Viagra
Many products claim that they contain herbal elements in their Viagra. Before using some kind of Viagra, you should first consult with your doctor. He or she will tell you if they have negative consequences for your health. You should not be embarrassed when you are going to visit your doctor. Talk with him honestly. He will tell you the best natural treatment for your problem with erectile dysfunction. Listen to the advice. Take-home remedies. They have more positive experiences for your health.
[1] Lim PHC. Asian herbals and aphrodisiacs used for managing ED. Translational Andrology and Urology. 2017;6(2):167-75.
[2] Shindel AW, Xin ZC, Lin G, et al. Erectogenic and neurotrophic effects of icariin, a purified extract of horny goat weed (Epimedium spp.) in vitro and in vivo. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2010;7(4Pt1):1518–28.
[3] Forest CP, Padma-Nathan H, Liker HR. Efficacy and safety of pomegranate juice on improvement of erectile dysfunction in male patients with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study. International Journal of Impotence Research. 2007;19(6):564-7.
[4] Dissanayake DMAB, Wijesinghe PS, Ratnasooriya WD, Wimalasena S. Effects of zinc supplementation on sexual behavior of male rats. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. 2009;2(2):57-61.
[5] Lee HW, Lee MS, Kim TH, et al. Ginseng for erectile dysfunction. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2017;2017(5):CD012654.
[6] El-Sakka AI. Dehydroepiandrosterone and erectile function: A review. The World Journal of Men’s Health. 2018;36(3):183–91.
[7] Reiter WJ, Pycha A, Schatzl G, et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: a prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Urology. 1999;53(3):590-4.
[8] Gad MZ. Anti-aging effects of l-arginine. Journal of Advanced Research. 2010;1(3):169-77.
[9] Yagi H, Sato R, Nishio K, et al. Effects of a supplement combining Pycnogenol® and l-arginine aspartate on lower urinary dysfunction compared with saw palmetto extract. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2017;7(1):117-120.
[10] Susset JG, Tessier CD, Wincze J, et al. Effect of yohimbine hydrochloride on erectile impotence: a double-blind study. The Journal of Urology. 1989;141(6):1360-3.
[11] Jang DJ, Lee MS, Shin BC, et al. Red ginseng for treating erectile dysfunction: a systematic review. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2008;66(4):444-50.
[12] Sohn M, Sikora R. Ginkgo biloba extract in the therapy of erectile dysfunction. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy. 1991;17(1):53-61.