The chronic pelvic pain in men is a very common condition in men. It is also known as chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. This common genitourinary condition is characterized by episodes of pain and discomfort which come and go unpredictably. The chronic pelvic pain in men degrades the quality of man’s personal and work life and it leaves him depressed and confounded. The most common symptoms of chronic pelvic pain in men include sexual dysfunction, urinary “voiding” difficulties and pain (including pain upon urination).
Also, there can be other symptoms, such as pain in the penis, especially the tip, and the testicles; pain in the perineum; mild discomfort or pain when urinating; blood in semen; pain in the rectum and lower back, etc. But, some of the mentioned symptoms can happen in other urological disorders, so it is very important to talk with your doctor about the proper diagnose and treatment. The chronic pelvic pain in men can be caused by many different disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome or urinary dysfunction.
Each man is affected differently and the symptoms can be intermittent or constant. If you are a man and you suffer from chronic pelvic pain, then you need to ask your doctor about the best home remedy for you, so you will avoid possible side effects of them. Here are some home remedies for chronic pelvic pain in men:
Heating pad help in the chronic pelvic pain in men
- 1 Heating pad help in the chronic pelvic pain in men
- 1.1 Be persistent
- 1.2 Take the heat
- 1.3 Acupuncture good for the chronic pelvic pain in men
- 1.4 Try supplements
- 1.5 Ketogenic diet
- 1.6 Quercetin
- 1.7 Pollen extracts
- 1.8 Sitz bath
- 1.9 Biofeedback
- 1.10 Saw palmetto
- 1.11 Make a change
- 1.12 Relax
- 1.13 Move your body
- 1.14 Psychosocial psychotherapy
- 1.15 Traditional Chinese medicine
The heating pad can help you to get a relief from the pelvic pain and pressure. The heat can help to reduce the pain signals in the area and this will give you a temporary relief from the chronic pelvic pain.
Be persistent
If you suffer from chronic pelvic pain, then you should not give up from the treatment. You need to be persistent. You should remember that the chronic pelvic pain in men develops for a number of reasons and each cause requires a different management strategy. There is no single cure for all the causes, so it is very important to ask your doctor about the best home remedy for you. Also, it is important to keep abreast of research and work with your doctor to find an individualized treatment plan.
If you think that your doctor gives you home remedies that he or she gives to everybody else, then you should not doubt to change him or her. It is very important to identify the underlying cause of chronic pelvic pain in men, so the best treatment will be given to you.
Take the heat
It is known that the heat can help to increase the blood flow and this can reduce the pain. You should sit in a tub filled with warm water to get a relief during flare – ups. Also, a warm compress on your stomach can work just well.
Acupuncture good for the chronic pelvic pain in men
It is noticed that acupuncture can be used as home remedy for the chronic pelvic pain in men. It appears to be a safe, effective and durable treatment option when it comes to reducing symptoms and improving the quality of life in men who suffer from chronic pelvic pain. You should do it with a professional. It can help you to deal with the pain caused by this condition. In each acupuncture treatment, your doctor will ask you about your recent symptoms and overall progress. You should tell your doctor everything about your condition, so he or she will know about the progress.
Try supplements
There are some cases when the chronic pelvic pain in men is caused by low levels of vitamins and minerals in the body. In most cases, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and magnesium supplements can help to soothe the chronic pelvic pain. If you want to take some of the mentioned supplements for your natural treatment of chronic pelvic pain, then ask your doctor about it. He or she will tell you if it suitable for your condition. Also, there are some herbs which can help to ease the inflammation naturally, such as willow, evening primrose oil, licorice and dong quai.
Ketogenic diet
There was one study in 2013 in which was shown that ketogenic diet can help in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain in men. The ketogenic diet includes anti – inflammatory foods, like olive oil, coconut oil, seeds, nuts, organic protein, clean, broccoli, carrots and green leafy greens.
There are some studies in which is noticed that quercetin is well tolerated and it provides significant improvement in most men who suffer from chronic pelvic pain. It is a flavonoid antioxidant that can help to fight inflammation and free radical damage. When you take quercetin supplement, then it can help to treat the underlying cause of pain in the pelvis, especially if it is caused by inflammatory conditions. You can find quercetin supplements online or in the health food stores or vitamin shops. Also, you can get quercetin naturally from foods, like cherries, blueberries, peppers, apples, leafy greens, olive oil, red wine and green tea.
Pollen extracts
There are some studies in which are said that pollen extracts can help in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain in men. If you want to use it as your home remedy, then ask your doctor if you can do it, because you need to be sure that it will not make any interactions with the underlying cause.
Sitz bath
The sitz bath is warm – water bath that covers the hips and buttocks. Some men have noticed that sitz bath have helped them to get a relief from the chronic pelvic pain.
With the help of this technique, you can learn to control your body’s responses, such as your heart rate. In some studies was shown that it can help men to get a relief from the symptoms of chronic pelvic pain.
Saw palmetto
There are some studies in which are noticed that men got a relief from the pain caused by chronic pelvic pain due to the usage of saw palmetto. You need to talk with your doctor if this home remedy will be suitable for your condition. It has been reported that this natural cure has a relaxing effect on urinary sphincter smooth muscles, as well as having anti – inflammatory and anti – proliferative properties.
Make a change
There are some studies in which are noticed that when you quit of some bad habits, then this can have positive effect on your pain. If you are smoking cigarettes, then you need to quit them. The nicotine in them can inflame nerves and trigger pain. If you are obese or overweight, then you need to lose your extra pounds, so this can help you to deal with the pain caused by chronic pelvic pain. It is known that extra pounds are putting pressure on the nerves, so when you will lose your pounds, then this can help you to get a relief from the pain.
When you suffer from chronic pelvic pain, then you need to get a relief from the stress and tension which make the pain of this condition even worse. Some things which can help you include deep breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. Also, these techniques can help you to sleep better, so you will have more benefits by practicing them.
Move your body
If you are a male and you suffer from chronic pelvic pain, then you may do not want to get up from your bed. But, you must do it for your own health. You should make exercises, because they can help to increase the blood flow. As we know, when we are making exercises, our bodies are releasing endorphins, which are feel – good chemicals. They are natural painkillers in our bodies. You should make moderate exercises, like speed walking, from 30 – 45 minutes, five or six days a week, so you will get a relief from the symptoms that you have from your chronic pelvic pain.
It is known that the professional psychotherapy can improve the psychosocial component in men who suffer from chronic pelvic pain, by reducing catastrophizing and improving the coping mechanisms. Some techniques which are taking part of it, include: cognitive behavioral therapy, biofeedback, self – hypnosis, progressive relaxation training and guided imagery.
Traditional Chinese medicine
There are some studies in which are shown that the traditional Chinese medicine can help to reduce the symptoms of chronic pelvic pain in men and it may not be associated with side effects. The traditional Chinese medicine does not improve the sexual problems and it may not improve the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Also, there is no information on quality of life. If you want to try the traditional Chinese medicine as your natural treatment for the chronic pelvic pain in men then ask your doctor if it will be suitable for you.