The scientific name of African walnut is Coulaedulis. The origin of African walnut is from the tropical Western African countries, stretching from Sierra Leone to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Immature fruits of African walnut are green and they turn from dark brown to black as they reach maturity. The taste of African walnut is bland. The African walnut has globose or ellipsoid drupes 6 cm – 10 cm long and 3 cm – 11 cm wide. African walnut has a nutritional value and it has a lot of health benefits.
African walnut is very similar to the walnuts in shape and size, but they are not related. The season of African walnut is from August to January. The nut African walnut is eaten raw or cooked. Also, it can be fermented and used as a condiment. The seeds of African walnut take 4 – 6 months to mature. Here are some health benefits of African walnut:
Health Benefits of African Walnut
Treats toothache:
The barks, leaves, and nuts of the African walnut are believed that are effective for treating toothache.
Improve menstrual flow:
The leaf extract of African walnut is acting as an antioxidant and it can help to regulate the menstrual flow.
Relief hiccups:
Usually, the leaf extracts of the African walnut are taken to stop and relieve continuous and prolonged hiccups.
Cure headache:
There are some studies in which are shown that the leaf extract of African walnut can help in the natural treatment of headaches.
Anti-aging properties:
This fruit is rich in antioxidants, such as selenium, Vitamin E, polyphenols, manganese, melatonin, and ellagic acid. All of the mentioned nutrients can be used for preventing the onset of early aging as well as in the prevention of cellular damage.
Prevents liver damage:
This fruit has effective antioxidants, such as polyphenols, tannin, quinine juglone, flavonol morin, and tellimagrandin. All of these elements can help to prevent the liver from damage against food chemicals and terminate free radicals from the body system.
Digestive health:
The African walnut is rich in fiber, which can help in bowel movement. Fiber binds the food together. This makes it easier to be removed with feces. The leaves and bark of African walnut have been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of people who suffer from gastroenteritis diseases, such as vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and dysentery. Decocted seeds and leaves of this plant can be used as a natural remedy for relieving abdominal pain.
Good for bone health:
The African walnut has anti-inflammatory properties which can help in the prevention of inflammatory diseases. Also, it has other nutrients, such as potassium and calcium, which are important bone–density minerals that can help to improve bone strength and limit the risks of bone diseases, such as osteoporosis.
Reduces the risk of diabetes:
When you consume African walnut on a daily basis, then this can help to reduce the risk of hyperglycemia, high blood sugar, which is one of the biggest causes of type – 1 and type – 2 diabetes mellitus. There are many studies in which are shown that the African walnut is one of the best fruits for people who want to maintain a healthy blood sugar level and prevent the risk of obesity.
Prevention of cardiovascular diseases:
There are some studies in which are shown that the African walnut is very effective for minimizing the risks of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary artery disease and heart attack. You can consume African walnut after-meal desserts because this has been proven to be effective for keeping the arteries flexible and for reducing the damage which is caused by fatty foods to the arteries.
This is possible due to the high content of antioxidants, Omega – 3 fatty acids, and phytosterols found in African walnut. Also, African walnut has high amounts of L – arginine, which is very important amino acid. It can be converted to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is important for smoothening the inner walls of the blood vessels and it can help the blood vessels to relax.