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How to increase breast size in natural way without side effects

Women want to have round, firm, and large breasts; many of them think that when they have increased breast size, then they look more famine. Some women have big breasts from the day they are born while others have small breasts and they want to increase their size. Our breasts consist of fatty and glandular tissues. This tissue can change during the menstrual cycle, during puberty, during pregnancy, and during the menopausal period. In the puberty period breasts are developing because there are happening hormonal changes.  The key role of the development of our breasts has two hormones known as estrogen and progesterone. Also, the genes and nutrition can play vital role in the woman breast size. In the cosmetic market there are many creams, hormonal injections, and pills which are expensive, and not every woman can pay for it. Also, you can try natural methods which can increase breast size. They are cheap. You can see good results from them. These are effective natural methods, but you should be patient. Here are some natural methods which you can try if you want to increase breast size:

How to increase breast size in a natural way


There are some exercises which can help you to increase breast size such as chest presses, wall pushups, pushups, chest compressions, and bench presses. When you do these exercises, then you are moving your arms and shoulders. This means that you will tone the skin and muscle tissues around and in your breast area. This can make your breasts to look larger and firmer. You should do these exercises every day for thirty minutes. But you should do them in the correct way because you will not have positive effects. Before you start doing them, you should talk with your trainer or gym instructor. [1,2]

Wild Yam

Naturopathic physicians are recommending this herb as a natural method to increase breast size. It has phytoestrogens which can help you to the growth process of the breast tissue. You can take it in capsule form, or you can drink it as tea. Also, you can use cream from this herb. Massage your breasts with it. When you are massaging your breasts with wild yam cream, then you are making the progesterone to be absorbed by your skin. You should repeat this process twice per day for a period of a few months if you want to increase breast size. [3]


If you massage your breasts on a regular basis, then you can increase breast size. This method helps you in two ways. When you massage your breasts, then you are increasing the blood circulation in them. Also, you are stretching out the tissues in the breasts which make them look firmer and bigger. You can use almond oil or olive oil to massage your breasts. You should rub the almond or olive oil between the palms. You should rub this oil from 2 – 3 minutes. In this way, you will generate heat. You should put your hands on your breasts and then rub those inwards. You should continue with massage around your breasts. Massage them in a circular motion. You should make at least 100 to 300 circular motions in the morning and every night before you go to bed. Repeat this natural method twice per day. You should do it in a period of one or two months if you want to have the best results to increase breast size. [4]

increase breast size


There are many herbalists who have said that this herb makes your breasts to look firm which leads to an increase of the breast size [3]. This is a phytoestrogenic herb which means that is stimulating hormones to increase breast size such as progesterone and estrogen. Also, mothers who are nursing should use fenugreek because it can increase the milk production in them. You will need to mix ¼ cup of fenugreek powder. Mix it with a small amount of water. You should make a paste. You should apply this kind of mixture in your breasts, and then you should massage them in gentle way. Let this paste to stay on your breasts for ten minutes. Then, you should rinse the mixture with water. You should repeat this natural method twice per day if you want to have the best results. You will need to grind dry fenugreek seeds if you want to have fenugreek powder. Also, you can massage your breasts with fenugreek oil if you want to increase breast size. You can make a mixture from two parts body lotion and one part fenugreek extract, and then you should massage your breasts. You can add fenugreek sprouts in your every day diet. You can use fenugreek pills 3 times per day, but firstly you should talk with your doctor about the daily recommended dose.

Fennel seeds

If you use fennel seeds, then you can notice that your breasts have increased their dimension. They are rich with flavonoids. These elements are increasing the estrogen levels in the women body. This means that your breasts will grow. Also, if you have a baby and you are nursing him or her, then you can add fennel seeds in your diet because they can increase the milk in their breasts. In a pan you should heat two teaspoons of fennel seeds with one tablespoon of cold liver oil. You should heat this mixture until you notice that the fennel seeds are red. Strain the oil. You should allow this mixture to cool. Massage your breasts with this mixture from 5 – 10 minutes. You should allow this mixture to stay on your breasts for 30 minutes. Repeat this home remedy twice per day in a period of one or two months. Also, you can drink fennel tea every day. In a cup of hot water you should steep one teaspoon of fennel seeds. Steep this tea for ten minutes. Then, you should strain it and drink it. [5]

Red clover

It has high amounts of four phytoestrogens. They can increase breast size in a natural way. Also, when you use red clover as your natural treatment, then you can make your breasts to look firm. In a cup of hot water you should add one or two teaspoons of dried red clover flowers. You should let them to steep for thirty minutes and then strain them. Drink this kind of tea 2 – 3 times per day. You should drink this home remedy for a period of a few months if you want to have the best results. [6]

Pueraria Mirifica

It was proven that this herb can increase breast size by 80%. It has genistein, deoxymiroestrol and miroestrol. They will make balance in the hormone levels in women. This can lead to increasing the breast size. This kind of herb can be found in markets in many forms such as tablet, gel, cream, capsule, and soap form. If you want to drink this herb, then the recommended dose is 250 mg twice per day. But you should talk with your doctor if this herb will help you. You should apply this home remedy twice per day in your breasts (if you decide to use topical products). You should use this home remedy in a period of 3 – 5 months. The most recommended period of usage is 3 months. This means in this period you should notice increase in your breast size.

Wheat Germ oil

If you want to increase breast size, then you can use this kind of oil. You should massage your breasts with this oil because you will increase the blood flow in the breast area. You will have also normal oxygen flow which can help you to have stable metabolism. This will help you to increase the size of your breasts. It has high amounts of Vitamin E which means your breasts will stay firm for longer period, and also the sagging breasts will be prevented. Put a few drops of wheat germ oil. Massage your breasts with this oil for a period of ten minutes. You should massage them with a circular motion. You should repeat this method 2 – 3 times per day in a period of one month to see the improvements in your breast size.

Saw palmetto

This is a very effective herb which can help you to increase your breast size in a natural way [7]. It has fatty acids and phytonutrients which can help you to increase the size of your breasts because when you consume this herb, then the breast tissue develops. You can find this herb in markets in different forms such as tea, oral capsules, and tablets. In a period of few months you can drink 2 – 3 cups of saw palmetto tea. If you decide to drink supplements, then you should start with 160 mg which have 85% – 95% lipids and sterols. You should drink them twice per day. But for the right intake amount to increase breast size, you must talk with your doctor.


[1] Thomas RJ, Kenfield SA, Jimenez A. Exercise-induced biochemical changes and their potential influence on cancer: a scientific review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016;51(8).

[2] Burnett E, White J, Scurr J. The influence of the breast on physical activity participation in females. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 2015;12(4):588-94.

[3] Bruno G. Breast enlargement botanicals. Huntington College of Health Sciences. 2005. Retrieved from

[4] Brionn L. Natural breast enhancement – The main methods. Retrieved from

[5] Saghafi N, Ghazanfarpour M, Khadizvadeh T, et al. The effect of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) on body composition in postmenopausal women with excess weight: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Menopausal Medicine. 2017;23(3):166–171.

[6] Hooper L, Madhavan G, Tice JA, et al. Effects of isoflavones on breast density in pre- and post-menopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Human Reproduction Update. 2010;16(6):745–760.

[7] Harvard Medical School. By the way, doctor: Do breast-enhancement supplements work? 2014. Retrieved from

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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