Thin skin is also known as thinning skin or fragile skin and this is a very common condition which is affecting older people. This problem can affect every single person from any demographic. This condition is characterized by a sagging appearance and higher visibility of veins and capillaries under your skin. Thin skin is not unique to any part of your body but it is more troublesome on the hands and face because this problem is more visible in these areas. When you are looking for skin treatment, it is important to first understand the real cause for this problem and then you should have realistic expectations about the improvement. You need to talk with your doctor if you have noticed that you have thin skin because he or she will tell you which the best natural treatment for it is.
Symptoms of thin skin
This condition can be observed in old people where they would have small folds on their skin that has totally lost glow and moisture. Also this condition is evident by the frequent wear and tear to the upper layers of our skin which is making it prone to easy infections as people are growing very old. [1,2] Even when they have a minor injury, then their skin will start bleeding because of its texture. You should always take a care of your skin, especially when you are younger. We know that we cannot prevent aging but we can take little extra care to keep our skin from exposure. You should not go out in sunshine. If you work warrants, then you should wear suitable protective clothing to protect your skin. Also when you are going out, you should not forget to apply sunscreen lotion which has SPF.
Causes of the thin skin
When the growth and division of skin cells begins to slow down, then it is happening this condition. We known that the cell growth and vision are very important for the skin rejuvenation and if this process slow, then the skin layers will not be replenished properly and the skin will lose elasticity. If this is not troubling enough, the fatty cells in your skin also begin to lose luster as they are aging, which is leading to hollow areas and thin skin. We know that the fatty tissues under our skin are very important because it acts as a buffer between the hard objects we come in contact with in our everyday lives and our blood vessels. If we do not have this much – needed cushion, then the bumping up against a table can cause our skin to literally tear. When we have exposure to the sun’s powerful UV rays, then this can also cause thin skin. You can notice that your hands and arms are growing much thinner in skin texture when they are compared with other parts of our bodies. These parts are constantly exposed to sun’s radiation directly and this is a reason why the skin on those areas is thinner. The deep layer of the skin lying below the epidermis is dermis which becomes prone to sun’s radiation for prolonged time and this will cause significant damage and injury to the collagen fibers of your skin. This in turn will make the skin to lose its elasticity ultimately which is making it very fragile and delicate. [3,4]
Also we know that genetics play a role in determining the skin texture and color. If you have a family history of skin thinning after certain age, then this will also cause effect on your skin too. Also there are some cases in which skin thinning is happening due to the adverse effect of some medications such as corticosteroids which can damage the blood vessels of your skin. People who have skin infections and skin disorders will have thin skin even at younger age compared to other healthy individuals of their age. People who are born with dry skin are under the risk of getting thin skin at early ages. You should include protein rich foods in your diet because this can help you in the strengthening of your skin to some extent. You should always keep your skin well moisturized and hydrated. Also people who are diagnosed with growth hormone receptor deficiency, Ehler Danlos syndrome and Frohlich syndrome are also willing to have thin skin very soon. [5,6]
[1] Dyer JM, Miller RA. Chronic skin fragility of aging: Current concepts in the pathogenesis, recognition, and management of dermatoporosis. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 2018;11(1):13–8.
[2] Farage MA, Miller KW, Elsner P, Maibach HI. Characteristics of the aging skin. Advances in Wound Care. 2013;2(1):5–10.
[3] Amaro-Ortiz A, Yan B, D’Orazio JA. Ultraviolet radiation, aging and the skin: Prevention of damage by topical cAMP manipulation. Molecules. 2014;19(5):6202–19.
[4] Biniek K, Levi K, Dauskardt RH. Solar UV radiation reduces the barrier function of human skin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012;109(42):17111–6.
[5] Makrantonaki E, Bekou V, Zouboulis CC. Genetics and skin aging. Dermato Endocrinology. 2012;4(3):280-4.
[6] University of Cambridge. Slim people have a genetic advantage when it comes to maintaining their weight. ScienceDaily. 2019. Retrieved from