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Natural treatments for miscarriage through home remedies

Miscarriage is a term that is used for the loss of a baby before the 20 weeks of pregnancy. This is the way in which the body is ending a pregnancy that has had a bad start. The loss of a pregnancy can be very hard for women to accept. There are many women who wonder why it happened, and they blame themselves.[1]

The miscarriage is not a fault, and you cannot prevent it. There are many women who have miscarriages. It is a known fact that for those women who already know that they are pregnant, about one in six has a miscarriage. Also, it is very common for women to have miscarriages before they know they are pregnant.

In most cases, miscarriages are due to the fertilized egg in the uterus, which is not developing normally. The miscarriage is not caused by sex, exercise, or stress. The most common causes of miscarriage are uterine abnormalities, medical disorders (such as diabetes, thyroid disease, blood clotting, lupus), and chromosomal abnormalities.

There are many cases where doctors do not know what has caused the miscarriage. The most common symptoms of miscarriage are tissue that passes from the vagina; weight loss; pain in the belly, lower back, or pelvis; painful contractions; loss of pregnancy symptoms; bleeding from the vagina, and white–pink mucus.[2]

You need to talk with your doctor if you have a miscarriage for the best natural treatment for you.

19 Home remedies for miscarriage

Be sure to drink an adequate amount of water

It is a known fact that women need about 0.6 US gal (2.2 liters) of water per day. If it is possible, you should avoid tap water because it can have traces of pesticides or unwanted minerals from agricultural runoff.

Reduce your intake of refined sugars

It is known that processed sugar, which is found in packaged desserts, candy, popsicles, bottled juices, etc., can weaken your immune system and disrupt your blood sugar levels. This is a reason why you need to avoid them.

Avoid eating soy unless it is fermented

Soy has a component which is acting as a hormone in the body, and it can disrupt the hormone balance in your body.[3]

You should try to avoid all types of soy products while you are trying to become pregnant or you are pregnant.

Consume fiber with each meal

It is known that fiber can regulate blood sugar levels and hormone levels, and also it can promote healthy digestion. You should try to eat whole grains, beans, dark greens, vegetables, and fibrous fruits with each meal.

Natural cures for miscarriage

Choose whole grains over processed grains

Whole grains are rich in essential vitamins and fiber. Fiber is very important for our diet because it can help the body to remove excess hormones, and it can keep blood sugar at a healthy level. The processed grains lack the nutrients which are necessary for a healthy pregnancy.[4]

Eat only grass-fed, organic meat

You need to avoid antibiotics and hormones, which can increase estrogen levels. You should choose grass-fed, organic meat. It is very important to consume protein during your pregnancy, but you should avoid conventional meats. If you are concerned about endometriosis, then you should limit your consumption of red meats because these problems are linked by scientific studies. You should consume poultry that is marked as cage-free, free-range or organic.[5]

Eat cold-water fish high in Omega–3 fatty acids

Fish is rich in Vitamin A and protein, but also it has healthy fatty acids, which can help to increase hormone production, ensure a regular menstrual cycle and reduce inflammation. You need to eat halibut, cod, and wild salmon.

You should avoid farmed fish whenever possible because the farmed fish can have food coloring and antibiotics. You should not eat large deep sea fish, like sea bass, swordfish, and ahi tuna, because these fishes can be high in mercury which can be harmful to the body.

Choose organic, grass-fed, whole fat, and raw dairy products

It is a known fact that conventional dairy sources can have antibiotics and hormones, which can increase the estrogen levels in the body and harm fertility. If dairy does not agree with your diet plans or with your stomach, then you should avoid dairy, and you should opt for nut-based milk. It is important to remember not to drink soy milk.[5]

Consume organic vegetables and fruits daily

You should avoid eating conventional produce, which has pesticides and herbicides because they can negatively impact fertility.

Limit your caffeine intake

You should not drink more than two cups of coffee per day or ingest more than about 200 mg of caffeine per day. Also, this dosage is recommended while you are trying to get pregnant. If you drink coffee in large doses, then caffeine can affect your hormone levels.

Contact with people

It is very important to stay in contact with your family and friends or talk with a counselor because they can help you if you are having problems with dealing with the loss of your pregnancy. If you are depressed or you feel very sad for longer than a couple of weeks, then you should talk with your doctor or counselor because they can help you to feel better.

Increase your Vitamin C intake

When you are trying to conceive and stay pregnant, then it is very important to be strong in the lining of your uterus (womb). When the connective tissue is weak, then the embryo will not be able to attach or stay attached. It is known that the quality of the connective tissue and blood vessels depends on how much bioflavonoids and Vitamin C you have in the body. Bioflavonoids contribute to the strength of connective tissue, and they help the body to absorb more Vitamin C. You should consume foods that have Vitamin C, such as grapefruits, limes, and lemons. Also, consume berries that are rich in bioflavonoids.[6]

Reduce your stress levels

When you are feeling stressed, then your body has a more difficult time fighting off sickness and keeping you healthy. You should try to keep calm throughout your pregnancy by practicing any techniques which will give you relief from the stress. You can maintain a yoga practice, try visualization, meditation, deep breathing, or even gardening or painting.

Boost your progesterone levels

This hormone needs to be at the optimal level for the pregnancy to be maintained. When there is progesterone deficiency, then it is linked to short cycles and PMS, and this is referred to as a luteal phase defect. You should ensure your body with adequate intake of Vitamin B6 and magnesium for the production of progesterone.

Foods that are rich in B vitamins are egg yolk, nuts, and seeds. Foods that are rich in magnesium are nuts, legumes, and dark green leafy vegetables. Many women need to consume supplements so in this way they can have the optimal therapeutic doses of each. Talk with your doctor about the best dose for these supplements.[7]

Folic acid

You should take at least 600 mg of folic acid per. One to two months before you plan to conceive, you should start taking this dosage of folic acid. Folic acid can reduce the chances that the baby will be born with birth defects.[8]

Avoid radiation and poisons

You should not get X–rays of any kind during your pregnancy. You should stay away from materials such as ethylene oxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and arsenic because they can harm your baby.

Refrain from using tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs

You should avoid drugs completely when you are trying to conceive and especially when you know that you are pregnant. When you are using drugs, this is extremely unhealthy for you and your baby, and when you are using drugs, it increases your risk of miscarriage.

You need to avoid unpasteurized dairy products and raw meat

These products can cause infections, such as toxoplasmosis and listeria, and they increase your risk of miscarriage. These infections are rare, but they can be avoided when you make sure that your dairy products are pasteurized and that all of your meat is cooked (it means that you should not consume raw sushi).[9]

Exercise lightly

When you are pregnant, you can exercise lightly. If you get moderate exercise every day, then it is beneficial for you and your baby. You should avoid overexerting yourself. If you are making extreme exercising, then it can increase your risk of miscarriage because it reduces the blood flow available to the fetus and heightens the body temperature. You should avoid contact sports which can cause you to fall or jolt and potentially injure your baby.


[1] Petts RJ. Miscarriage, religious participation, and mental health. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 2018.

[2] The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Evaluation and treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss: a committee opinion. Fertility and Sterility. 2012.

[3] Kurzer MS. Hormonal effects of soy in premenopausal women and men. The Journal of Nutrition. 2002;132(3):570S-573S.

[4] Hajhoseini L. Importance of optimal fiber consumption during pregnancy. International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences. 2013;1(3):76-79.

[5] Brantsæter AL, Ydersbond TA, Hoppin JA, et al. Organic food in the diet: Exposure and health implications. Annual Review of Public Health. 2017;38:295-313.

[6] Jang W, Kim H, Lee BE, Chang N. Maternal fruit and vegetable or vitamin C consumption during pregnancy is associated with fetal growth and infant growth up to 6 months: results from the Korean Mothers and Children’s Environmental Health (MOCEH) cohort study. The Journal of Nutrition. 2008;17(1):105.

[7] Han KH, Kim M-K, Kim HS, et al. Protective effect of progesterone during pregnancy against ovarian cancer. Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2013;18(2):113-122.

[8] Hodgetts VA, Morris RK, Francis A, et al. Effectiveness of folic acid supplementation in
pregnancy on reducing the risk of small-for-gestational age neonates: a population study, systematic review and meta-analysis. BJOG. 2014.

[9] Moran LJ, Verwiel J, Bahri Khomami M, et al. Nutrition and listeriosis during pregnancy: a systematic review. Journal of Nutritional Science. 2018;7:e25.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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