Thursday, February 6, 2025

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How to treat broken capillaries through home remedies and natural treatments

Broken capillaries is a condition which is also known as telangiectases or spider veins. You should not be worried if you notice broken capillaries on your face or your body because they are not risky for your health. People are thinking that when they have broken capillaries, then their face or their body is highly unaesthetic. It is difficult to hide them on your face when you are using powder or foundation. What is important for your health is to prevent this condition to happen on your face or your arms and legs. You should prevent them. There are many factors which increase the risk of getting broken capillaries such as acne, prolonged exposure to sun, aggressive hygiene, hormones, alcohol, age, etc. It is very important to have the right hygiene, not aggressive one. Also, you should avoid alcohol because this is one of the biggest causes for broken capillaries. You should use products which are correct for your skin, which also acts as broken capillaries treatment. You should not try to cover your broken capillaries all the time. What should you do is to try with some home remedies and natural cures which will improve your condition. There are many natural cures, and home remedies which are easy to be done or they are cheap for buying. There are many factors which are causing broken capillaries, and there are also many effective broken capillaries home remedy treatments.

5 Broken capillaries home remedy treatment

Aloe Vera

This is one of the best home remedies which you can use if you have damaged skin. Aloe Vera is also known as an herb which is having anti-dandruff properties [1]. It is used in many hair care treatments because this herb has amazing effects on your hair. This herb is found in many hygiene products and cosmetics. But also there are other home remedies from this herb which you can prepare easily in your home.

  • For sunburns: You will need a few Aloe Vera leaves. You should break those leaves. Then, you should apply this cold gel to the affected areas. [1]
  • For acne: You will need to make a mixture of two or three drops of lemon juice with one tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel. After your mixture is done, you should massage your skin with this mix. Then, you should let this broken capillaries home remedy treatment to stay on your skin all night because in this way it will dry.
  • For anti-aging: You will need to make a mixture of one teaspoon of instant oatmeal, one-half teaspoon of olive oil, and one teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel. After you have mixed these ingredients well, then you should apply this mixture to your face. Then, you should let this mixture stay on your face for 30 minutes. After this period has passed, you should wash your face with cold water.
  • For moisturizing: In this case, you should use Aloe Vera leaf as broken capillaries’ home remedy treatment in natural shape.

Vitamin C and Lysine

People who are having problems with spider veins or also known as broken capillaries, should use this home remedy because it will help them a lot in broken capillaries treatment. In many skin products you will find Vitamin C as part of them. When you are using Vitamin C as your natural remedy, not only that you are helping yourself to rid of the broken capillaries, but also you are making your skin to be healthy [2,3]. You will have brighter and healthier skin which is also protected from problems which are appearing when you are aging. When you are exposed to sun, then you can see brown or red spots on your face. Vitamin C is a very effective broken capillaries home remedy treatment because it is helping you to rid of these spots. Also, it is protecting from other problems which can appear when you are too long on sun. When you have broken capillaries, then you have irritation and inflammation which can be cured when you are using Vitamin C as your natural remedy. This Vitamin is also very helpful because it boosts the healing process of the broken capillaries. Also, this vitamin is helping you to rid of the red spots. Vitamin C is making them fade which you need the most when you are suffering from broken capillaries. Also, there is another effective natural remedy for broken capillaries treatment is known as lysine. This essential amino acid will help you to rid of the problems with your skin. L–Lysine is a very effective natural treatment for many skin problems such as frostbite, acne, redness, and pimples. It is easy to be bought. You can find it in the local drugstores. In most cases, this broken capillaries home remedy treatment has the shape of pills. You should add them to your diet if you have problems with broken capillaries. When you are using a combination of these two natural remedies, then your skin is healthy and shiny. But before you have started your broken capillaries treatment, you should be sure that you don’t have any allergies of these natural products.

broken capillaries home remedy treatmentGrapeseed oil

This is a very effective broken capillaries home remedy treatment because it moisturizes the skin. Also, this is a very effective home remedy for acne because it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Grapeseed oil is also tightening the skin because it can close the pores thanks to astringent properties. People who have dark circles around their eyes should also use this natural remedy because it will help them to rid of this disorder. It is moisturizing the skin, and also it is not closing the pores. Also, this is a very helpful treatment for anti-aging because when grape seed oil is applied to your skin, then it gives your skin the same elasticity as before. This oil is very effective at broken capillaries treatment. It is one of the best broken capillaries home remedy treatments, which you can use to resolve the problem of broken capillaries. It is also a very cheap product which means every individual who is suffering from broken capillaries will be able to buy it and use it. Put some amount of this oil in your hands. Then, you should rub your face gently with your hands. At the beginning of your message, you should add a small amount of grape seed oil. But as time passes, you should add more grape seed oil because your face will show you how much it needs. Also, you can apply grape seed oil under your eyes. You will need a cotton ball. Dab this home remedy under your eyes with this cotton. You can also make another broken capillaries home remedy treatment. You will need to mix grape seed oil with whipped butter and apply this remedy on your body. It is very effective as a natural treatment for winter wind and cold. There are many cases when people who are suffering from this disorder have said that grape seed extract has helped broken capillaries treatment. [4,5]

Horse chestnut seed extract

This extract is also known as Buckeye and Conkers. There are many studies that have proven that this is one of the best home remedies for broken capillary treatment. Also, it is a very effective home remedy for treating varicose. Aescin which is a component of horse chestnut seed extract, is one of the best natural cures for the both previous mentioned disorders [6]. When you are using this home remedy, then you are preventing from further development. Also, it is protecting you from the redness which is appearing when you are suffering from broken capillaries. There are many ways in you can use this home remedy as your broken capillaries treatment. You should mix this broken capillaries home remedy with grape seed oil. Their ratio should be 1:1. Then, you should massage your skin with this mixture. If you want to leave this broken capillaries home remedy treatment to stay all night on your skin, then you should not be worried of it. You can leave it peacefully. You should wash your face or your body in the morning. You should use warm water or dry cotton towel. Also, you can apply the home remedy which you are using for your face to stay clean through the day. If you do not have grape seed oil at this moment (when you are making your mixture), then you can change it with Arnica oil, Extra Virgil Olive Oil, Kiwi, Rosehip Oil, Comfrey, or Calendula. Maybe, they are having more or less same effects like the grape seed oil, but also all the mentioned oils are very helpful for broken capillaries’ home remedy treatment.

Natural Vitamin E Oil

When you are suffering from broken capillaries, you should apply natural Vitamin E oil topically on your skin. It will help you in the healing process of this disorder. Also, if you do not want to apply this broken capillary home remedy treatment topically, then you should consume it as a supplement. You should be sure that Vitamin E which you are taking is natural. You can consult with your naturopathist regarding which will be the right home remedy for your condition. This is another excellent broken capillary home remedy treatment.


[1] Hashemi SA, Madani SA, Abediankenari S. The review on properties of aloe vera in healing of cutaneous wounds. BioMed Research International. 2015;2015:714216.

[2] Pullar JM, Carr AC, Vissers MCM. The roles of Vitamin C in skin health. Nutrients. 2017;9(8):866.

[3] Medical News Bulletin. Vitamin C may help with capillary skin conditions. 2018. Retrieved from

[4] Garavaglia J, Markoski MM, Oliveira A, Marcadenti A. Grape seed oil compounds: Biological and chemical actions for health. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. 2016;9:59-64.

[5] Lin TK, Zhong L, Santiago JL. Anti-inflammatory and skin barrier repair effects of topical application of some plant oils. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018;19(1):70.

[6] Suter A, Bommer S, Rechner J. Treatment of patients with venous insufficiency with fresh plant horse chestnut seed extract: a review of 5 clinical studies. Advances in Therapy. 2006;23(1):179-90.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


  1. A very nice informative article! I can say it will be of great help for everyone having broken capillaries. Although it is not a very serious medical issue, it provides an unlikely look on your skin which could make us nervous in most cases. So it is better to take treatment at an early stage to avoid further veins damage. Thanks for the article.


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