Sesame seeds are very healthy for our overall health. They can reduce the inflammation, lower blood pressure, prevent diabetes, build strong bones, prevent in a wide variety of cancers, protect against radiation, improve digestion, boost respiratory health, increase heart health, strengthen your oral health, detoxify the body, eliminate stress, eliminate chronic depression, improve circulation and aid in healthy growth. People who have nut allergies should not consume it because it can cause them side effects. These kinds of seeds are native to India and Africa. They can be added in salads. Also they are used in many cuisines around the world. It has many healthy benefits. It gives good taste to our foods. If you use too many sesame seeds in your diet, then they can cause you irritation in your colon and cancer. Here are some health benefits of these seeds:
Health benefits of sesame seeds
Blood pressure: In many studies it was shown that when we add sesame seeds in our diet, then we can reduce the hypertension. This means that they are reducing the strain on your cardiovascular system which can help you to improve your cardiovascular health. Magnesium can reduce the high blood pressure because it acts like vasodilator. When you use sesame seeds in your diet, then you are entering 25% of the required intake amount of magnesium.
Cancer prevention: When you use sesame seeds in your diet, then you can prevent yourself from cancer because they have many vitamins and minerals. These kinds of seeds also have phytate which is antioxidant component. This component can reduce the risk of getting cancer. Also they protecting from the free radicals which can lead to serious diseases. Also they can protect you from cognitive malfunctions, premature aging and heart diseases. Sesame seeds can prevent you from a colon and prostate cancer, leukemia, lung, breast and pancreatic types of cancers.
Diabetes management: People who suffer from diabetes should add sesame seeds in their diet because it can help them to lower the symptoms caused by this disease. Also people who do not suffer from this disease should add sesame seeds in their diet because the magnesium which is component of sesame seeds can reduce the chances of getting diabetes. Patients who suffer from diabetes type 2 should use sesame seed oil because it can help them prevent the negative effects from some medications which are used for diabetes such as the glibenclamide. It can improve the function of you oral system. Also the levels of glucose in your body will be stable which means that your disease is at stable levels.
Bone health: Sesame seeds have high amounts of calcium, phosphorous and zinc which can increase the strength in your bone health. If you have some kind of bone injury, then you can use sesame seeds in your diet because it can help you to repair and strengthen your bones. Also they will help you in the protection from osteoporosis.
Digestion: They have high amounts of fiber. It can help to bowel movements to move properly in your body which means that you will have healthy digestion. When the food moves through the intestine, then the peristaltic motion is stimulated by sesame seeds. It can help you in the prevention from cancer and gastrointestinal diseases. Also it can reduce the chances of getting diarrhea and constipation. When you use sesame seeds in your diet, then you can have effective protection from serious diseases of your heart such as strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis. This is possible because it can low the levels of low – density cholesterol which means that you will have healthy heart.
Anti – inflammatory properties: It has high amounts of copper which can help you to reduce the inflammation in your muscles, joints and bones. Also this element can help you to reduce the pain which is caused by arthritis. This element can strengthen your bones, joints and the blood vessels walls. Also this element has a major role in the uptake of iron which is the most important component of hemoglobin. This means that when you consume enough sesame seeds in your diet, then you can be sure that your body has good oxygenation in all parts of it.