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Scalp ringworm home remedy

Scalp ringworm is a fungal infection. This condition is very common in children compared with adults. There are many natural scalp ringworm home remedies that are known to improve this condition.

Scalp ringworm is caused by microorganisms that are present in your nails, hair, and skin. This is a contagious disease. Also, it is known as Tinea Capitis. It is characterized by a scaly, crusty, and red scalp. Also, in some cases, people can notice dandruff-like flakes. There are some additional symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes around the neck, loss of hair, and intense itching. Children aged 4 – 12 have the biggest chance of getting scalp ringworm [1,2].

Also, people who are with low immunity have increased chances of getting scalp ringworm. This condition persists longer compared with the ringworm of the skin. Usually, this condition lasts for a few weeks. You should avoid coming in contact with the dermatophyte-contaminated items, such as clothing, pillows, and hair brushes of an infected person. You should maintain adequate personal hygiene.

Doctors recommend using medicated shampoo if you suffer from scalp ringworm. This is not meant just for you but also they are recommending to your family members to use this kind of shampoo because they can be carriers of this condition. This will help them to reduce the number of spores, and also, it will stop this condition from coming back again.

Talk with your doctor if you want to use some of the mentioned natural scalp ringworm home remedies for your condition. He or she will tell you if they can help you to improve your condition.

11 natural scalp ringworm home remedy

Tea tree oil

This is a kind of essential oil that can help you to cure scalp ringworm. Also, this kind of oil can help you to treat other conditions such as Head Lice, Athlete’s foot, and Psoriasis. You can make antifungal remedies from oregano oil, lemongrass oil, and tea tree oil in your shampoo.

Also, the grapefruit seed extract is a very helpful natural scalp ringworm home remedy. There are some cases when doctors have said that tea tree oil is not an effective natural cure for scalp ringworm because it can irritate your skin and also it will worsen your condition [3].

In the future should be done lot more studies about the influence of tea tree oil on scalp ringworm. This kind of oil is added to many hair oils and shampoos. This kind of oil has been used as a natural remedy for many conditions, such as infections, burns, and cuts. You can use this natural scalp ringworm home remedy two times per day. You can make a mixture of 50% of tea tree oil that is diluted with water. You can notice improvements in your condition after four weeks.

Types of oil useful for scalp ringworm

There are some types of oils that can help you to treat scalp ringworm in natural ways, such as castor oil, lavender oil, and coconut oil. You should apply some of these oils on your scalp on a regular base, which can help you to get relief from itching, and it will facilitate the process of healing.

Also, you can make a mixture from some of these oils with some kind of carrier oil, such as jojoba oil or almond oil.


One of the simplest home remedies for treating scalp ringworm is to rub slices of unripe papaya on the affected areas. You should do this scalp ringworm home remedy treatment two times per day. [4]


This is a kind of wonder food. When you consume this natural scalp ringworm home remedy, then it can help you to have good overall health. It has many health benefits, such as lower bad cholesterol, naturally reducing blood pressure, and lessening the duration and severity of the common cold.

If you suffer from scalp ringworm, then you can use fresh garlic cloves as your natural remedy. You should apply them on the ringworm patches two times per day. You should apply this remedy on the scalp ringworm for a period of 2 weeks. You can make a paste from minced or crushed garlic. You should apply this natural scalp ringworm home remedy directly on your scalp.

Also, you can add olive oil to the garlic if you want to get the desired consistency. You should cover your scalp with a thin layer of this remedy. You should cover the affected areas with medical tape, gauze, or a bandage. When you have covered your scalp, then you should let this remedy stay on your scalp for a period of one to two hours. When this time has passed, then you should rinse your scalp with warm water to remove this remedy from your scalp.

You should treat the scalp ringworm with fresh garlic paste. You should do this scalp ringworm home remedy treatment two to three times per day if you want to have the best results in a period of two weeks. You should limit each treatment that you make with this kind of paste to 2 hours max because if you are sun exposure, then this can lead to localized skin irritation which is similar to burn. If you experience discomfort, swelling, or redness, then you should stop using this natural treatment.

If you want to have increased internal benefits, then you should add raw garlic to your diet and eat it on a regular base. Also, you can use garlic supplements with a garlic soft gel or a garlic extract if you want to have additional benefits, but you must talk with your doctor about these supplements. [5]

Natural cures for scalp ringworm, scalp ringworm home remedy

Apple cider vinegar

When you are using apple cider vinegar as your natural treatment for scalp ringworm, then it should be in organic, unfiltered, and pure form. This is an effective natural scalp ringworm home remedy because it has antimicrobial properties.

You should rinse your scalp with apple cider vinegar diluted in water. This is one of the best scalp ringworm home remedies. After you have finished with the apple cider vinegar procedure, you should apply lavender oil. In a period of ten days, you should continuously do this treatment. This will help you to reduce this problem, and also it can help you to rid of the itchy scalp.

Also, there are some cases in which doctors have said not to use apple cider vinegar as their natural remedy for scalp ringworm because this natural remedy can worsen their condition. This is a reason why you should talk with your doctor before you start using apple cider vinegar as your natural treatment for scalp ringworm.

Herbal paste

You should make an herbal paste from mustard seeds or ground butea seeds mixed with a little bit of water and lime juice. This is one of the best natural scalp ringworm home remedies which you can use for your treatment of scalp ringworm. In a period of seven to ten days, you need to do this treatment two times per day.

Also, you can make another paste prepared from crushed basil leaves and cassia leaves. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for treating scalp ringworm.

Balanced diet

People who have weak immune systems have increased chances of getting scalp ringworm [6]. This is a reason why they should consume a balanced and healthy diet and consume many raw vegetable juices that are full of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. One of the most useful natural combinations for scalp ringworm is the combination of spinach juice and carrot juice. You should reduce the consumption of highly flavored and processed foods.

Turmeric juice

Turmeric is a helpful remedy for scalp ringworm. It has antibiotic properties that can help you to rid of this condition. One of the easiest and most effective natural remedies for scalp ringworm is turmeric juice. You should apply this remedy to the affected areas three times per day.

Also, you can consume a combination of one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of turmeric juice. You should constantly use this natural scalp ringworm home remedy till the moment that you have noticed improvements in your condition. [7]

Vinegar and salt

You can make a paste from salt and vinegar, and you should apply this remedy directly to your ringworm. You should let this remedy stay in the affected areas for a period of five minutes. There are some cases in which people have been using this natural remedy for a period of seven days, and they have noticed improvements in their conditions.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the best natural remedies for many skin problems, such as sunburns and ringworm. You should apply Aloe Vera juice on the affected areas until you have noticed improvements in your condition. [8]

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver can be used as a natural remedy for scalp ringworm because it is an antibiotic which means that it can destroy many dangerous microorganisms. You can rub or spray this natural remedy on the affected areas. You should do this scalp ringworm home remedy treatment two times per day until you have noticed improvements in your condition. [9]


[1] Sidat MM, Correia D, Buene TP. Tinea capitis among children at one suburban primary school in the City of Maputo, Mozambique. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. 2007;40(4).

[2] Moto JN, Maingi JM, Nyamache AK. Prevalence of Tinea capitis in school going children from Mathare, informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. BMC Research Notes. 2015;8:274.

[3] Carson CF, Hammer KA, Riley TV. Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil: a review of antimicrobial and other medicinal properties. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2006;19(1):50-62.

[4] Kugo M, Keter L, Maiyo A, et al. Fortification of Carica papaya fruit seeds to school meal snacks may aid Africa mass deworming programs: a preliminary survey. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2018;18:327.

[5] Bayan L, Koulivand PH, Gorji A. Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine. 2014;4(1):1-14.

[6] Aram J, Inverso J. Understanding Fungal Skin Infections. 2017. Retrieved from

[7] Jankasem M, Wuthi-odomlert M, Gritsanapan W. Antidermatophytic properties of ar-turmerone, turmeric oil, and curcuma longa preparations. ISRN Dermatology. 2013;2013:250597.

[8] Chuku E, Azonwu O, Ugbomeh AP. Control of tinea (ringworm) using aloe vera gel in river state. Acta Agronomica Nigeriana. 2006;7(1).

[9] Anwar MF, Yadav D, Jain S, et al. Size- and shape-dependent clinical and mycological efficacy of silver nanoparticles on dandruff. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2016;11:147-161.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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