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Snake bite – first aid, home remedy and natural treatments

No matter if we are playing in the bushy backyard of the house, trekking in the dense forests or we are working in fields, we can all pray not to get a snake bite. Some snake bites are harmless while other snake bites are life-threatening. There are many symptoms that we can feel if we have been bitten by a snake such as swelling, redness, and torment in the places where we have been chomped or nibbled up; loss of motion, smoldering, shivering and numbness; loose bowels or practically no pee, heaving, annoyed stomach, abdominal torment; tipsiness, sluggishness, shortcoming, anxiety, etc. There are some types of poison such as cardiotoxins (this kind of poison act straightforwardly on the heart), neurotoxins (this poison influence the sensory system), hemotoxins (this poison cause inside dying), and cytotoxins (this poison cause neighborhood tissue harm). We should take medical help as soon as possible or we can use some natural snake bite home remedy to get temporary relief or they can be applied for milder venoms.

13 Snakebite home remedy treatment


This plant has antioxidant properties because it has flavonoids as its component. This snake bite home remedy will decrease the irritation along the affected area, protect the body cells from harmful chemicals and help in the fast recovery [1,2].

Plantain leaves

Many people have used the leaves from this plant as their natural remedy for different stomach problems. This snake bite home remedy has an astringent flavor and looks like spinach. You can apply a tincture of this leaf to the areas where you have been bitten by a snake. This will draw out the venom and also it will lessen the pain that is associated with it.

Lavender essential oil

The lavender essential oil can be used to relieve stress and calm the senses [3]. If you apply this oil to wounds, then it will speed up the recovery process. Also this snake bite home remedy essential oil acts as a disinfectant that can reduce the intensity of venom until you get medical help.

Oil of oregano

This is one of the best snake bite home remedies because it has a lot of health benefits. This kind of oil acts as a stimulant. It can kill microorganisms and fight infections in your body [4]. You can drink this oil because it can smooth an agitated stomach and also it will help in the assimilation. You can apply it topically to treat many other different conditions.

Icy water

One of the best things that you can do if you have been bitten by a snake bite is to bathe and rest in cold water. If your skin is not broken, then you should apply one teaspoonful of arnica salve to a tumbler of water. You should wet the cloth in this mixture and then you should apply it to the bitten place. When you have noticed that this cloth is dry, then you should change it. You should wring out fabric in boiling water and you should lay on the healthy side. There are some sayings that if you take a bath in cold water, then this will reduce the effect of the snake venom. In a jug of water, you should add a teaspoon of arnica salve. Then, you should apply this mixture to the affected areas. You should dip a cotton cloth in this solution and then apply it. You should repeat this snake bite home remedy treatment for a few hours.

Echinacea oil

This plant is developing wild in the indigenous individuals of Arkansas. In this area, people have been using this as a snake bite home remedy. This is one of the most easily natural remedies that you can use if you have been bitten by a snake. Also, it is very helpful. The Echinacea oil will boost your immune system and also it can protect your body from common ailments such as cough and cold. You can apply this snake bite home remedy on topically way. You should take this remedy orally every six hours because it can neutralize the effect of the venom and it can treat the bites. You should also drink a weakened tincture of Echinacea root. You can apply a cloth dipped in the Echinacea tincture to the places where you have been bitten by a snake. [5]

Mongoose plant

In the Indian Ayurvedic medication, this is one of the most used herbs for snake bites. There are some studies in which is said that this herb has exacerbates which can kill the snake venom [6]. When you have been bitten by a snake, then this snake bite home remedy will act as an antidote. If you have been bitten by Russel’s viper, then the mongoose plant is the best natural remedy that you can take because it is very effective for this kind of snakebite. This natural remedy will neutralize the venom of the viper. You can find mongoose plants in the forests of southern India. Also in this part of India, snake bites are very common.

snake bite treatment home remedy

Curry leaves

Curry leaf is also known as Murraya Koenigi Spreng. This snake bite home remedy can help you to have normal liver cells and liver and is also used as a natural remedy for some liver diseases. This natural remedy can help you to control elevated cholesterol, diabetes, coronary illness, and hypertension. This is one of the most wonderful culinary herbs which are used for fat diminishment. They can be added as part of cooking and you will have better flavor because of it. You can use the petals, roots, leaves, and bark of this plant, and all organic products in your cooking or in restorative purposes. Also, it can be used as a natural remedy for many diseases. Curry leaves are used as additional flavor to many different culinary dishes and also it is used for treatments of various health issues. You can make porridge from these leaves which can help in treating the snake bites and also it will help you in uprooting the poison. [7]

Homegrown mix

You can use the homegrown mix to stool the bleeding after you have been bitten by a snake. You should put a modest bunch of flour over the cut or utilization powdered rice and sprinkle on building up and where it is connected with the injury. You should tie the injury and then you will notice that the bleeding will stop.


Lachesis is a homeopathic remedy. This is one of the most successful and recognized homeopathic remedies for snake bites all around the world. When the skin is mottled in shading or it is purple-pale blue, then this snake bite home remedy really works. It can help to diminish the side effects of snake bites. Also, this natural remedy can be applied if you have been stung by a harmful bug. Talk with your doctor after you have been bitten by a snake.


The Ledum is a homeopathic remedy. This snake bite home remedy is used for cut injuries and nibbles where the site that is harmed is getting blue and it feels cool. If you are bitten by a snake, then you should apply a cold application to those places. This is one of the most used natural remedies for snake bites because it can remove toxins. Apply this remedy to the place where you have bitten and you will see fewer side effects but you need to talk with your doctor as soon as possible because he or she will tell you if your body is clear from toxins and it can help you with the right treatment.

Bentonite clay

The bentonite dirt can retain poisons and coax them out from your body. It can voyagers the runs and ease the indications of sustenance harming. This natural remedy will remove the toxins from your body and also it can help you to ease the symptoms of the bite. This remedy is used to draw out the toxins in your body and also it can draw out the outside items from your body. This natural cure in many countries is used as a drink. You can drink an earth pack of bentonite clay. If there have not passed 4 hours from the nibble and you have not taken medical help, then you should this natural cure. In this case, you should not use a charcoal pack of bentonite clay. Instead, you should use an earth pack of it. This is an effective natural snake bite home remedy that can draw out the poisons from your body. In some amount of water, you should mix bentonite clay with some Echinacea powder. Make a paste from these ingredients. You need to apply it over the wound. If you take bentonite clay orally, then you should drink ample water. [8]

Activated charcoal

If you live in an area that is susceptible to snake bites, then you should keep this item in your near area. Apply damp activated charcoal to affected areas. You should cover it with a cloth or tape because you need to secure the poultice. Also, you can take two tablespoons of activated charcoal orally. This will give you quick relief. You need to apply this snake bite home remedy immediately after the snakebite because it is most effective in the first few hours.


[1] Makhija I, Khamar D. Anti-snake venom properties of medicinal plants. Der Pharmacia Lettre. 2010;2(5):399-411.

[2] Aadhan K, Anand SP. Traditional herbal medicines for the treatment of snake bite and scorpion sting by the Paliyar’s tribes of Sathuragiri hills. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies. 2017;5(2):1-5.

[3] Koulivand PH, Ghadiri MK, Gorji A. Lavender and the nervous system. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013;2013:681304.

[4] Sienkiewicz M, Wasiela M, Głowacka A. The antibacterial activity of oregano essential oil (Origanum heracleoticum L.) against clinical strains of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Med Dosw Mikrobiol. 2012;64(4):297-307.

[5] Gupta YK, Peshin SS. Do herbal medicines have potential for managing snake bite envenomation? Toxicology International. 2012;19(2):89-99.

[6] Bastos VA, Gomes-Neto F, Perales J, et al. Natural inhibitors of snake venom metalloendopeptidases: History and current challenges. Toxins. 2016;8(9):250.

[7] Dey A, De JN. Traditional use of plants against snakebite in Indian subcontinent: A review of the recent literature. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines. 2012;9(1):153-74.

[8] Stojilkovic ST, Stojilkovic MS. Application of Bentonite Clay for Human Use. Proceedings of the IV Advanced Ceramics and Applications Conference. 2017:349-56.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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