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Health benefits of Malaysian red palm oil

The Malaysian red palm oil is produced in certain countries, like Ecuador, West Africa and Malaysia. It is derived from the fruit of the oil palm which means that this oil is different from the palm kernel oil by how it is processed. It is known that this oil is considered as sacred oil by Ancient Egyptians.

They have been using this oil due to its health benefits. In 14 grams of Malaysian red palm oil there are 11% of Vitamin E; 1.5 grams of polyunsaturated fat; grams of monounsaturated fat; 7 grams of saturated fat; 14 grams of fat and 114 calories. These nutrients are giving the health benefits of Malaysian red palm oil which is a reason why it is gaining its popularity all around the world. The red palm oil is defined as a super food because it is rich in nutrients.

Health benefits of the Malaysian red palm oil

Health benefits of the Malaysian red palm oil

Reduces the risk of cancer: It is known that the Malaysian red palm oil has high amounts of antioxidants and anti – inflammatory properties which are perfect combination to protect the body from the growth of cancerous cells. The Malaysian red palm oil has Vitamin A which supports reducing the risk of cancer. Also, red palm oil has tocotrienols and tocopherols which can remove the free radicals from your body.

Increases immune system: The Malaysian red palm oil has high amounts of antioxidants which can help to increase the strength of your immune system. Also, it is supported by carotenoids. In fact, the Malaysian red palm oil has 15 more times carotenoids than carrots and 30 more times than tomatoes. This oil is very healthy for people who are doing many activities so it will help them to stay healthy.

Improves the function of brain: It is known that the Malaysian red palm oil has high amounts of alpha tocotrienols which is known as a natural form of Vitamin E. When this vitamin is combined with the antioxidant properties of this oil, then it can help to improve the function of the brain. It reduces the risk of strokes and the growth of brain lesions, slows the progression of dementia and protects the delicate polyunsaturated fats in the brain.

Prevents osteoporosis: Every single person should be aware from the risk of osteoporosis. It is known that the Malaysian red palm oil has the ability to prevent the osteoporosis because it is rich in tocotrienols. This oil is recommended to be consumed at any age, especially for adults.

Helps in preventing heart disease: It is known that the Malaysian red palm oil has the ability to reduce cholesterol so it means that it can help to keep your heart healthy and prevent to get some diseases. When you have a healthy heart, then this means that it will support the overall health.

Improves vision: The Malaysian red palm oil has Vitamin A which can help to support the health of your vision, as well as protects it from cataracts, blindness and other conditions. This vitamin is provided by beta carotene which is one of the most active and important forms of carotenoids in this oil.

Promotes the health of the skin: The Malaysian red palm oil has antioxidants which can help to promote the health of your skin. It can help to slow down the aging of the skin and the skin tends to be smooth and brighter due to the Vitamin E. It is known that the Malaysian red palm oil has more Vitamin E than any other oil which makes it a very healthy for the body. Also, the carotenes in the Malaysian red palm oil can help to protect your skin against UV damage so it is like you are taking sunscreen from the inside out.

Controls blood pressure: The Malaysian red palm oil has anti – inflammatory properties which can control the blood pressure. These benefits in addition with antioxidant properties of the Malaysian red palm oil can reduce the risk of stroke because the high blood pressure can lead to this condition.

Reduces cholesterol: There are some studies in which are said that the Malaysian palm oil has the ability to reduce the bad cholesterol due to trans fats like lauric acid and myristic acid.

Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar
Dr. Ramesh kumar, BAMS is naturopathy doctor who is well versed with health benefits of all fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants


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