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Natural treatments and Home remedies for bruxism

There are many disorders or diseases such as bruxism in which you are not feeling that you have it, but you feel the effects which are caused by the physical and psychiatric damages. This is the case with bruxism which is involving clenching or grinding of teeth. People who are suffering from bruxism can have day bruxism (when they are clenching or grinding with their teeth during the day) and sleep bruxism (when they are sleeping they are having sleep bruxism – it means that they are clenching or grinding with their teeth during their sleeping). This is not just a dental problem, but also is medical problem because it involves all surrounding structures such as the jaw. People who are feeling stress, anxious, anger are having bigger chances to get bruxism [1]. Also, people who are behaving hyperactively are more likely to get bruxism. There are many natural remedies which can help you to for bruxism treatment are:

15 Home remedies for bruxism treatment

White willow

This herb is also easily found in Europe. It has many medicinal properties which are beneficial for our health. The most used part for treating diseases of this herb is the bark. Salicin which is composed of the white willow is converted in salicylic acid which is decreasing the fighting inflammation and also it is decreasing the pain [2]. This herb is known as the natural aspirin because it has many similarities with the aspirin. If you are suffering from bruxism, then you should use this herb as your natural bruxism treatment. When you are using white willow, then you are resolving the alignment problems in your jaws, teeth, and gums because you are resolving the problems with the pain and inflammation.


This herb is known as a natural tranquilizer because valerian is calming down the nerves. It is proven that when you are using valerian as your natural bruxism treatment, then you have no side effects. Because this natural remedy has calming properties, you will feel relaxed when you are sleeping [3]. Also when you are using this herb as your natural remedy, you are preventing your teeth from grinding. This is possible because when you are sleeping your mind is calmed down. This is preventing your teeth from grinding and clenching.


If you are suffering from bruxism, then you can use hops ass your natural remedy. When you are using this herb as your natural remedy for bruxism treatment, you are calming down the mind and body. One of the most common causes of bruxism is anxiety. When you are using hops, then you are decreasing this cause of your bruxism. If you are suffering from bruxism, then you should use this natural remedy before you go to sleep because this herb will relax your mind and body and also it will prevent you to stop grinding your teeth while you are sleeping. Also, this bruxism treatment can be used in a form of tincture. If you have decided to use this form of hops, then you should mix the tincture in a hot water, and then you should drink it. It is recommended to take this mix 30 minutes before you go to the bed.


this herb is also an effective natural remedy for bruxism treatment. When you are using this natural remedy for your bruxism treatment, then you will relax your mind and your body. Also when you are using skullcap as your natural remedy, you are having deep sleep which is very important to calm your body [4]. Your body and your mind will be relaxed. When they are relaxed, then you are not grinding your teeth at night. You should use this natural remedy as to a tincture. Make a mix of skullcap and hot water. You should drink this tincture 30 minutes before you go to sleep. What is important about this natural remedy and also all the previously mentioned natural remedies are that you should always consult with your doctor before you start using some of them. You should not risk with your treatment because in some cases these remedies can make you side effects. Never use some natural remedy or some medication on your own.

anxiety, bruxism treatmentChamomile

This is one of the most easily found herbs in Europe. This herb looks like a daisy. This herb has high amounts of volatile oils. Also, this herb is rich in flavonoids and also with coumarins. Chamomile is an herb which is possessing anti-inflammatory ingredients such as nervine [5]. Also, this herb is an anti-spasmodic herb which means that it helps a lot in reducing spasms. When people are suffering from bruxism, then they should use this herb as their natural remedy. The flowers of this herb are possessing properties that are helping people to decrease the causes which are reasons for bruxism such as indigestion and stress. Also when people are suffering from bruxism, they are having stomach cramps and anxiety. If you use chamomile as your natural remedy for bruxism treatment, then the stomach cramps and anxiety will be decreased. When people are having this disorder, then they are having pain and tension in their muscles. You should use the chamomile herb if you are suffering from bruxism because this herb will decrease the tension and pain which are felt in your nervous system. Also if you have bruxism, you should use chamomile before you go to sleep. This is an effective natural remedy for bruxism treatment which will relax the jaw muscles. When you are taking chamomile before you go to sleep, you are preventing yourself from grinding your teeth while you are sleeping.

Vitamin B5

There are many studies which are shown that when people are grinding their teeth, they have nutrient deficiency [6]. This is a reason why you should use Vitamin B5 as your natural remedy for bruxism treatment. This is a very important vitamin to improve your nutrient deficiency and also improve your condition. When you are using this natural remedy, you are helping to improve your health. Also, you are reducing the hyperactivity and stress which can be a cause of bruxism. You should use this natural remedy every day. Also, you can take pantothenic acid as your natural remedy for bruxism treatment. The recommended daily intake amount is 5 mg to 10 mg.


Also, this is one of the most important natural remedies for bruxism treatment which is medically proven. When you are using calcium as your natural remedy, then you are increasing the strength of your bones. Also, you are preventing yourself from the teeth grinding and you are improving your health.


When people are having bruxism, then they are having a magnesium deficiency. If you take magnesium as your supplement, then you are reducing the symptoms which are associated with bruxism, and also it is a very effective natural remedy for improving your condition. The healthiest and tastiest way to consume magnesium is to eat nuts or green leafy vegetables for bruxism treatment. If you cannot eat the mentioned natural remedies, then you should take a supplement which is a combination of Vitamin D, magnesium, and calcium. [7]

Vitamin C

This Vitamin is also recommended to be used as a natural remedy for bruxism treatment. This vitamin can be easily found in all kinds of fruits. Citrus fruits are having a high amount of this vitamin. [7]


People who are suffering from potassium should use it in their natural remedy for bruxism treatment. This element can be found in potato skin, bananas, orange juice, tomatoes, and oranges. Also, it can be found in green leafy vegetables, but the degree of it is less.

Apple slices

Before you go to the bed, you can reduce the teeth grinding by biting apple slices. This will help you a lot to reduce the grinding while you are sleeping.

Carrot sticks

If you chew carrot sticks before you go to the bed, then you are reducing the risk of grinding your teeth and also you are calming down your mouth. Also if you cannot chew carrot sticks, then you should chew cauliflower because this vegetable will help you a lot in the reduction of teeth grinding.

Warm bath

If you are working and you feel stressed after you have done your work, then you should take warm water because it will help you to reduce the tension which is caused by this disorder. It will relax your mind and your body and also it will prevent you from grinding your teeth.

Change sleeping positions

People who are sleeping on their stomachs or on their side are having increased chances to get bruxism and also the risk of grinding their teeth is increasing. If they want to avoid the risk of this disorder, then they should change their sleep position. They should try to sleep on their back.

Lots of water

If your children are having bruxism, then you should give them a lot of water during the day. If you want to protect your children from teeth grinding, then you should give them a lot of water during the day because if they have not drunk a lot of water during the day, then at night they will have increased chances to exhibit bruxism. So drinking water is a very good bruxism treatment. [7]


[1] Shetty S, Pitti V, Satish Babu CL, et al. Bruxism: A literature review. The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. 2010;10(3):141–148.

[2] Shara M, Stohs SJ. Efficacy and safety of white willow bark (Salix alba) extracts. Phytotherapy Research. 2015;29(8):1112-6.

[3] Bent S, Padula A, Moore D, et al. Valerian for sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Medicine. 2006;119(12):1005–1012.

[4] Brock C, Whitehouse J, Tewfik I, Towell T. American Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora): a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled crossover study of its effects on mood in healthy volunteers. Phytotherapy Research. 2014;28(5):692-8.

[5] Bhaskaran N, Shukla S, Srivastava JK, Gupta S. Chamomile, an anti-inflammatory agent inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by blocking RelA/p65 activity. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2010;26(6):935–940.

[6] Calton JB. Prevalence of micronutrient deficiency in popular diet plans. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2010;7:24.

[7] Nissani M. A bibliographical survey of bruxism with special emphasis on non-traditional treatment modalities. Journal of Oral Science. 2001;43(2):73-83.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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