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Milk and coconut oil can help in speedy treatment of heel spurs

A heel spur is happening when the calcium deposits build up on the underside of your heel bone.

This abnormal calcium deposits form when the plantar fascia pulls away from the heel. This stretching of the plantar fascia is common in people who have flat feet but also people who have unusually high arches are having increased chance to develop this condition.

This condition is especially common among athletes who do a lot of jumping and running. Also, women who wear high heels are having increased chances of developing heel spurs. But this condition can happen to anyone.

Hell spurs risk factors

Risk factors for heel spurs are diabetes, age, obesity, spending most of the time on one’s feet, tight calf muscles, wearing poorly fitted or badly worn shoes, running or jogging on hard surfaces, and walking barefoot on hard surfaces. In most cases, heel spurs do not cause symptoms. But also there are times when heel spurs can cause pain in the rear of the foot or heel pain, especially while running, jogging, or walking. There are many cases when someone can experience pain after prolonged periods of rest, for example after he is sleeping through the night.

These spurs can cause inflammation and swelling on your heels. There are certain lifestyle changes which you should make and with some stretching exercises you can easily treat heel spurs. Also, there are some home remedies which can help you to get relief from the pain. Talk with your doctor for the proper treatment of your condition. We do not guarantee you that these home remedies can improve your heel spur.

12 Home remedies for heel spurs

Flaxseed oil

This oil is also called linseed oil. It has alpha-linolenic acid which is a form of Omega – 3 fatty acid and it can help to reduce inflammation and pain [1]. Also, it can lessen the morning stiffness which is associated with heel spurs.

You should heat ¼ cup of flaxseed oil in a pan until it is warm. You should dip a piece of cheesecloth into the oil. You should place this cloth over the affected area and you should cover it with a piece of plastic.

You should put a heating pad over the plastic for a few hours. During this time, you should avoid movement of any kind. You should use this home remedy once per day until you get relief from the pain.


A heel spur can be the consequence of calcium lack [2]. You should eat foods that are rich in calcium because they can help to heal heel spurs without recurrence. Drink milk two to three times per day because it has the biggest amounts of calcium.

Natural cures for heel spurs


This is an alkaline compound which can be also a very effective home remedy for heel spurs. It can help to maintain the levels of minerals and hormones that are necessary for our bone health [3]. You should mix ½ teaspoon of borax with four cups of cold and chlorinated water. You should soak your feet in this home remedy for thirty minutes before you go to sleep. You should repeat this natural treatment two times a day for a period of a few weeks.

Coconut oil

This is also a very effective home remedy for heel spurs. It is a natural moisturizing agent which can help to soften the spur and it can give you relief from the pain [4]. Also, it has calcium which is required by our bodies for healthy bone formation. You should massage the affected area with warm coconut oil. You should let it stay there for a few hours to get relief from the inflammation and pain. You should do this natural treatment every day before you go to bed because in this way you will prevent discomfort in the morning. Also, you can take one tablespoon of extra–virgin coconut oil daily in the morning.

Epsom salt

This home remedy can help to soothe your heels and it can give you instant relief from the pain. Also, it can help to reduce inflammation. You should put two to three tablespoons of Epsom salt in a tub filled with warm water. You should soak the affected heel in the tub for ten to fifteen minutes. You should gently massage your heel to alleviate the pressure. You should apply some moisturizer and then go to sleep. You should repeat this natural treatment on a daily basis before you go to bed.

Baking soda

This is also a very effective home remedy for heel spurs. Baking soda has crystals which can help to reduce the calcium deposits which are built up on the bottom of the heel bone. Also, it can help to reduce inflammation and pain [5]. You should mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda and a little water to make a paste. You should apply this home remedy on the heel spur and secure it with duct tape or gauze. You should repeat this natural treatment two times per day for a period of several days.

Also, there is another option and that is to mix one teaspoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one glass of warm water. You should drink this home remedy once per day for a period of two weeks to balance the pH levels in your body.

Ice pack

Ice can be used to control the inflammation and swelling and to reduce the pain which is associated with heel spurs. Also, it can help to relax the muscles.

You should freeze a bottle of water. You should roll it under your foot for ten to fifteen minutes. You should do this natural treatment as soon as you feel pain after a day of rigorous activity. You should never apply the ice directly on your skin because it can cause frostbite.

Apple cider vinegar

This is also a very effective home remedy for treating heel spurs. It can help to pull out the excess calcium from the area of a heel spur, reduce inflammation, and provides pain relief [6].

You should cut out a piece of towel in the shape of your foot and submerge it in apple cider vinegar. You should place the soaked towel in your shoe and wear it. You should be sure that your towel will keep the moist throughout the day.

You should follow this home remedy for at least a week. Also, you can warm ½ cup of apple cider vinegar in a pan and you should pour it into a small tub filled with warm water. You should soak your feet in the tub for five to ten minutes, two times per day for a period of one or two weeks.

Also, you can mix one tablespoon of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar and honey in one glass of warm water. You should drink this home remedy for one or two weeks.


This is also a very effective home remedy for heel spurs. It has many minerals like calcium and selenium which are required for healthy bone formation [7]. Also, it can help to alleviate inflammation and pain.

You should add ½ to one teaspoon of alfalfa seeds to one cup of boiling water. You should cover it and let it simmer for twenty to thirty minutes. You should strain it and a little honey in it. You should drink this type of tea three or four times per day until the inflammation and pain are gone. Then, you should drink one to two cups of alfalfa tea on a daily basis to keep the symptoms of heel spurs at bay.


This herb has curcumin which works as a potent painkiller and it is an anti-inflammatory agent [8]. The regular consumption of turmeric can help to ease the inflammation and pain of a heel spur.

You should mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder with one cup of milk. You should heat it over a low flame. You should drink this home remedy two times per day because it can help you to have a speedy recovery. Also, you can take 500 – 1000 mg of curcumin three times a day for about six weeks. You should talk with your doctor before you begin with the supplement regimen.


You should do exercise which can strengthen your plantar fascia because it can help to reduce the discomforts that are associated with heel spurs. You can do exercises like plantar fascia stretches and calf stretches two times per day, in the morning and in the evening. Also, you can do foot rotation exercises whenever you have time. You should go swimming or cycling for some time. When you are doing these exercises, you should listen to your body. You should never exhaust your body, especially your heels, by following a strenuous exercise routine.

Omega – 3 fatty acids

This is the most effective agent against inflammation [9]. This is a reason why it is considered one of the best home remedies which can help you to rid of heel spurs. Foods that are rich in Omega – 3 fatty acids are seafood, oily fish, fish roe, walnuts, flaxseed oil, and cod liver. You should consume foods that are rich in Omega – 3 fatty acids on a daily basis because they can help to reduce the inflammation and pain that are associated with heel spurs.


[1] Ren G-Y, Chen C-Y, Chen G-C, et al. Effect of flaxseed intervention on inflammatory marker C-reactive protein: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutrients. 2016;8(3):136.

[2] Ross AC, Taylor CL, Yaktine AL, et al. (Ed.). Chapter 2: Overview of Calcium. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium. 2011. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US).

[3] Pizzorno L. Nothing boring about boron. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal. 2015;14(4):35-48.

[4] Lin T-K, Zhong L, Santiago JL. Anti-inflammatory and skin barrier repair effects of topical application of some plant oils. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018;19(1):70.

[5] Adeva-Andany MM, Fernandez-Fernandez C, Mouriño-Bayolo D, et al. Sodium bicarbonate therapy in patients with metabolic acidosis. The Scientific World Journal. 2014.

[6] Ross CM, Poluhowich JJ. The effect of apple cider vinegar on adjuvant arthritic rats. Nutrition Research. 1984;4(4):737-741.

[7] Walker GL, Danielson DM, Peo ER, Mumm RF. Bioavailability of calcium in sun-cured alfalfa meal and effect of dietary calcium concentration on bone and plasma characteristics during two phases of gestation in gilts. Journal of Animal Science. 1993;71:124-131.

[8] Hewlings SJ, Kalman DS. Curcumin: A review of its’ effects on human health. Foods. 2017;6(10):92.

[9] Simopoulos AP. Omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2002;21(6):495-505.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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