The fir needle essential oil has many health benefits, such as boost the immune system; helps manage arthritic disease; helps relieve fatigue; alleviate respiratory conditions; prevent infection and prevent unpleasant body odor. Also, the fir needle essential oil has other health benefits, like promote bone health; remove toxins from the body; relieve muscle pain and fight against bacterial activity.
The fir needle essential oil is extracted from the flat needle – like leaves of the Abies balsamea species or the free tree which has originated from the Russia and it is usually found growing in the mountain regions of North America, Europe and Asia.
Health benefits of fir needle essential oil
Can promote bone health:
It is very important to have healthy bones because they can aid mobility and it can diagnose a disease. It is known that the fir needle essential oil can support the bone repair and it can speed up the healing process in case of bone fractures and it can help to increase the bone mass. You can apply it topically with carrier oil, like a coconut oil in the right ratio so you will get the expected result. Also, this can prevent bone diseases like osteoporosis and loss of bone tissues from happening.
Helps with the removal of toxins by the body:
The fir needle essential oil can help to promote excretion of the harmful substances from the body. This can help to maintain health. The fir needle essential oil has many organic compounds which work as stimulants and they work by flushing toxic substances.
This can be done by increasing the sympathetic action and it is having a slight laxative and diuretic property which can keep liquid and solid waste moving in a timely manner. Also, the fir needle essential oil can help to promote perspiration which is another mode of toxin removal. This can help to improve the overall efficiency of the waste removal organs and it can keep the body in optimal health.
Helps relieve muscle pain:
The fir needle essential oil can help to sooth the pain and it can help to relax muscles by stimulating the body to increase the body flow to the muscles. It can remove toxins which can responsible for the pain and it can calm the nerve supply to the muscles so the pain stimuli are negated. You can apply the fir needle essential oil topically and it can be good for massage, especially when it is combined with other well known massaging oils.
Help prevent unpleasant body odor:
It is known that when the bacteria in the skin breaks down sweat, then they typically produce waste materials and this is giving the unpleasant odor. You can use the fir needle essential oil to rid of the body odor because it has a pleasant smell and it can help to decrease many different bacteria which are responsible for the offensive odor perceived in the first place. When the bacteria are inhibited, then the metabolic byproducts are reduced which can help to minimize the foul smelling odor.
Help prevent infections:
The fir needle essential oil can be used to prevent the spread of infections around the body due to its therapeutic properties. It is able to fight against bacteria, fungi and viruses which attack the body and cause harm. Also, the fir needle essential oil can help in the wound healing and it can prevent them from getting infected and progressing until they become life – threatening. Also, the healing is accelerated thanks to the control exerted by the fir needle essential oil.
Help prevent cancer:
It is known that cancerous cell growth can spread to other parts of the body and it can cause harm. The fir needle essential oil can help to inhibit the metastasis of cancerous cells. When the fir needle essential oil is used, then it can reduce cancerous tumors and it can initiate an increase in the cellular glutathione level which can eventually lead to the death of cancerous cells.
Management of arthritic disease:
Arthritis is associated with pain and joint tenderness. The fir needle essential oil can be applied topically to help you to deal with the symptoms of arthritis.