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Chronic cough home remedy and natural treatment

All of us can have cough in some point of our life. But when our cough lasts more than 3 weeks, then this is not a good sign. We should be worried about it. When we cough lot of time, then this can make problems in our life. We cannot go to the school unnoticed because with our coughing we are ruining the peace of our teachers. Also if we have dinner with our friends at the restaurant, then we can also feel uncomfortable because we can see that our friends are trying to protect their food from our coughing. If we fly a lot with plane, then we can also feel bad in it because people are looking at us with disgusted eyes. This problem is not making physical discomfort but also it makes people to think bad about us. If you have noticed constant and persistent cough, then you must talk with your doctor. There are many chronic cough home remedy which you can try it to improve your condition. But you should not take them on your own because they can make side effects in your body. This is a reason why you should consult with your doctor first.

Chronic cough home remedy and natural treatments

A spoonful of honey: There are many studies in which is shown that people who consume honey as chronic cough home remedy have improved their condition [1,2]. It can soothe the irritated mucous membranes which can help you to improve your condition. Also it has antibacterial properties. That means that the chronic cough will be gone if it is caused by bacterial illness. This is one of the best natural remedies for children and adults. But if you have children that are under age of 2, then you should not give them honey because in this way they can increase the risk of getting botulism. You should take one tablespoon of raw and organic honey. You should take this chronic cough home remedy once or three times per day because in this way you can control your cough. If you have noticed that you cannot sleep well and you have problems during your sleep, then you should take one tablespoon of honey before you go the bed. If you have children who suffer from cough, then you should give them 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon of raw and organic honey per day.

Probiotics: They are chronic cough home remedy microorganisms. They can help you to balance your gastrointestinal flora and also they will give you a relief from the cough [3]. Also it can help you to boost your immune system. You can find the probiotics in the dairy products. But also there are cases when the dairy products are triggering your phlegm. This is a reason why you should talk with your doctor before you start using them.

Licorice root tea: It acts like demulcent and expectorant [4]. This means that it can soothe your airways which can help you to thin and lose your mucous. Also it can help you to ease the congestion and its symptoms. Also if you have irritation that is irritating your throat, then you should licorice root tea because it can help you to ease your irritation. It has glycyrrhizin which has the previous mentioned properties. You will need 8 ounces of fresh water which you should put to boil. Also you should put two tablespoons of dried licorice root in one mug. You should put water in the mug and then you should let it to steep from ten to fifteen minutes. You should drink the whole cup. Drink this chronic cough home remedy two times per day.

Bromelain: When we talk about pineapples, then we do not think that this fruit can be the perfect natural remedy for our condition. But this kind of fruit has one enzyme which is known as Bromelain that can help us to win against the cough. This chronic cough home remedy can help us to lose the mucus in our throat and also it can suppress our coughing. There are also cases when the allergy – based sinus issues and sinusitis are cause for the cough. This enzyme also helps us to beat these causes. This means that it can help us to win against the cough. But there are not many studies about this topic so you should talk with your doctor before you add pineapples in your diet. Also there are some cases when the Bromelain is used as natural remedy for swelling and inflammation. Children should not use this natural remedy. Also adults who take blood thinners should not eat pineapples. If you use some kinds of antibiotics such as the amoxicillin, then you should not eat pineapples because it can increase the absorption of the amoxicillin. You must talk with your doctor before you start using some supplements or natural remedies which you have not consumed in your past. [5]

Peppermint: The eucalyptus oil and the peppermint leaves are having strong healing properties. Peppermint has menthol which can break down the mucus and also soothes your throat because this herb acts like decongestant [6]. You can inhale peppermint vapors from steam bath or you can drink peppermint tea. If you want to make a steam bath, then you should put 3 – 4 drops of peppermint oil for every 150 mL of hot water. Then, you should put a towel over your head. You should take deep breaths directly above this mixture. Also you can make an ointment rub with chronic cough home remedy eucalyptus oil, coconut oil and beeswax.

chronic cough home remedychronic cough home remedy and natural treatments

Salt water: This is very effective natural remedy if have sore throat. It can help you to give you a relief from the discomfort which is caused by the chronic cough. You should put one teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water. You should stir the salt in the water until you have noticed that the salt is dissolved. Then, you should gargle with this kind of mixture. You should spit it and then you should repeat this chronic cough home remedy until you have noticed that there is no water left in the cup. After you are done with this step you should rinse your mouth with plain water.

Marshmallow: This kind of herb is made from Althaea officinails which is type of perennial which have flowers during the summer. This kind of herb can help you to suppress the cough and to treat your sore throats. This chronic cough home remedy has been used with decades as natural cures for chronic cough. The roots and the leaves from this herb are used for cough. There are not studies which have proven that this kind of herb can help us for sure. But many people think that this herb can help us if we suffer from cough. It can help you to soothe the irritation. Also this kind of herb can be used in capsule form. If you have children who suffer from cough, then you should not use marshmallow capsules for them.

Thyme: If you have some kind of respiratory disease, then you should use thyme as your natural remedy. If you have short – term bronchitis, then you should use thyme. When you make a mixture from ivecan and thyme, then you have one of the best natural remedies which can give you a relief from the cough. Thyme leaves have flavonoids which are relaxing the muscles which are responsible for your cough and also it can help you to reduce the inflammation. You can drink thyme tea if you suffer from cough. In one cup of boiling water you should put 2 teaspoons of crushed thyme leaves. Then, you should cover this mixture. You should steep it for ten minutes. Then, you should strain this mixture. But if you have chronic cough you should talk with your doctor before you start using this chronic cough home remedy. [7]

Steam: If you suffer from cold, cough or congestion, then you can use steam as your chronic cough home remedy. It can help you to lose the phlegm and mucous. Also you can some essential oil which will give you extra benefits. These benefits are becoming airborne which means that you can inhale them when you inhale the steam. The eucalyptus oil and the tea tree oil are the best oils which you can use if you have cough. It can open your airways and also it can help you to soothe them. Also these oils will help you to fight against the virus or bacteria infection. You will need one bowl of water. You should put the water to boil. The water should boil until it is full at half. You should let the water to cool from thirty to sixty seconds. Then, you should add one to two drops of eucalyptus oil and three drops of tea tree oil in the water. You should lean over this mixture. You should put this bowl in you near area because in this way you will feel comfortable. But you should know that if you are too close to the steam, then it can burn you. This is a reason why you should use towel when you do this process. You should cover your head with it. This chronic cough home remedy will help you to trap the steam. You should take deep breaths while you are doing this process. You should do this chronic cough home remedy two to three times per day and each time you should do it from five to ten minutes.


[1] Ahmed N, Sutcliffe A, Tipper C. Feasibility study: Honey for treatment of cough in children. Pediatric Reports. 2013;5(2):31-34.

[2] Cohen HA, Rozen J, Kristal H, et al. Effect of honey on nocturnal cough and sleep quality: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Pediatrics. 2012;130(3).

[3] Wang Y, Li X, Ge T, et al. Probiotics for prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections in children. Medicine. 2016;95(31):e4509.

[4] Sultana S, Khan A, Safhi MM, Alhazmi HA. Cough suppressant herbal drugs: A review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention. 2016;5(5):15-28.

[5] Rathnavelu V, Alitheen NB, Sohila S, et al. Potential role of bromelain in clinical and therapeutic applications. Biomedical Reports. 2016;5(3):283-88.

[6] Morice A, Kardos P. Comprehensive evidence-based review on European antitussives. BMJ Open Respiratory Research. 2016;3(1).

[7] Wagner L, Cramer H, Klose P, et al. Herbal medicine for cough: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Complementary Medicine Research. 2015;22:359-68.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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