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Top 10 home remedies and natural treatments for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is also known as fibromyositis or fibrositis. It is a chronic condition which is characterized by widespread pain. It is more common in women compared to men [1]. The exact cause of fibromyalgia is not known. Possible causes and risk factors are stress, poor physical conditioning, disturbed sleep patterns, viral infections, rheumatic diseases, surgery, trauma to the brain or spinal cord, hormonal disturbances, and genetics. Also, there are some doctors who believe that it can be a result of a combination of emotional and physical stressors. The most common symptoms of fibromyalgia are fatigue, stiff joints (especially in the morning), certain foods and colds, medications, bright lights, odors, sensitivity to noise, numbness or tingling sensations, and debilitating muscle pain. People who suffer from fibromyalgia also tend to have depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorders), irritable bowel syndrome, and migraines. This condition is not easy to treat and there is not a definitive cure. The main goal of the treatment is to get relief from the fibromyalgia symptoms. This can be done with medicines and some home remedies. Talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies for fibromyalgia.

10 Home remedies for fibromyalgia

Omega – 3 fatty acids

These are unsaturated fats which can help to decrease neuropathic pain and inflammation [2]. Also, they can curb stiffness and joint pain. You should take one to two tablespoons of fish oil on a daily basis. Also, you can eat fatty fish like wild salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, and herring, two or three times per week. Also, there are other sources of Omega – 3 fatty acids such as soybean oil, canola oil, walnuts, and flaxseeds. Also, you can take Omega – 3 supplements, but talk with your doctor before you start using them. Omega – 3 supplements or fish oil can interfere with the blood-thinning medications.

Cayenne pepper

This home remedy has a compound called capsaicin which acts as a natural pain reliever [3]. It is good for proper blood circulation. You should take cayenne pepper capsules or extracts. You should consult your doctor for the proper dosage. Also, you can include cayenne pepper in your cooking. You can also apply a small amount of capsaicin cream which has 0.025% capsaicin to the aching areas and let it stay there for about thirty minutes. You should repeat this natural treatment up to three times per day. You should never apply capsaicin cream or cayenne pepper on inflamed or broken skin.



Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which can help to treat fibromyalgia accompanied by rheumatic disease. It has a compound known as curcumin which can give you relief from stiffness and pain. You should mix ½ to one teaspoon of turmeric powder in one cup of milk. You should heat it to a boil and then allow it to cool. You should drink it once or twice daily. Also, you can include turmeric in your cooking. There is another option and that is to take turmeric in supplement form. You should take 400 – 600 mg of these supplements, three times per day. You should talk with your doctor before you start any supplement regimen. [4]


Massage therapy can help to relax your muscles. It will improve the range of motion in your joints. It can give you relief from the stress and it can stimulate the production of chemicals which are acting as the body’s natural painkillers. MLDT (manual lymph drainage therapy) is a type of massage which beneficial for fibromyalgia. It can loosen up lymph blockages which could lead to pain. You should get your massage from a massage therapist who has experience with fibromyalgia because this can help you to have the best results. [2]


This home remedy has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia [5]. You should add one teaspoon of freshly grated ginger to one cup of boiling water. Let it simmer for about ten minutes. Strain it and drink this home remedy up to three times per day. Also, you can take ginger tablets. You should talk with your doctor about the proper dosage and suitability.

Acupressure and acupuncture

These techniques can help to control the symptoms of fibromyalgia by restoring the levels of vital energy which flow through energy pathways in your body and changing the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain and spinal cord. These therapies can alleviate the pain, which can also reduce anxiety and induce relaxation. Depending on your symptoms and the location of your tender points, you should gently press the sensitive trigger points for a few seconds. Also, you can rub the trigger points in tiny circles lightly without applying pressure. You should ask your physical therapist, neurologist, or doctor to suggest a qualified acupressurist or acupuncturist who can select appropriate acupoints for your treatment based on your qi energy and symptoms. For the best results, you should combine acupuncture with acupressure with massage, exercise, meditation, and other therapies. [2]

Apple cider vinegar

This home remedy can help to balance the pH levels of your body, improve circulation and reduce oxidative stress. This can help to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia such as inflammation, swelling, joint pain, headaches, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues. In one glass of water, you should add one to two tablespoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. If you want, you can add a little honey to it. You should drink it two times per day. If you are not used to taking apple cider vinegar, then you should start by adding one teaspoon to one glass of water and you should gradually increase this dosage.

Epsom salt

This is magnesium sulfate. When you soak in an Epsom salt bath, then this will help your body to absorb magnesium. In many cases, magnesium deficiency is the cause of fibromyalgia [6]. This is a soothing bath which can help to reduce your pain and induce relaxation. You should mix two cups of Epsom salt in warm bathwater. You should soak your body in it for about twenty minutes. You should do this natural treatment up to three times per week.


It was found that when you take a part in a long–term exercise program, then it can help to reduce the fibromyalgia symptoms. Exercise can help to prevent muscle wasting and also it will restore the body’s neurochemical balance which can boost the levels of pain – fighting chemicals called endorphins. It can reduce stress and it can trigger a positive emotional state. You should start with twenty minutes of low–impact exercises, three times per week and then you should increase the frequency and duration. These may include water aerobics, balance exercises, flexibility exercises, strength exercises, seated exercises, and walking. Aerobic conditioning exercises, strengthening exercises, and range–of–motion exercises are types of exercises which are safe for most patients. Doctors are suggesting beginning with mild exercises and then going slow to keep the symptoms from flaring up. You can start with some regular stretching activities like doing chores, gardening, or taking the stairs and gradually move to steady exercises. You should keep in mind that fatigue and pain can make exercise difficult so it is imperative to be physically active. [2]

Yoga and meditation

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, tai chi, and yoga can help a lot in the control of fibromyalgia symptoms. There was one study in 2010 in which was said that yoga can help to combat fibromyalgia symptoms like poor balance, depression, anxiety, poor memory, poor sleep, fatigue, stiffness, and pain [7]. Also, there was another study done in 2011 in which was found that a 75 – minute hatha yoga class, two times per week for 8 weeks, can help to increase cortisol levels in females who have fibromyalgia, thus improving mindfulness and reducing pain [8]. People who have fibromyalgia tend to have lower than normal levels of the hormone cortisol. You should practice yoga for twenty to 40 minutes on a daily basis. You should join a tai chi class. You can do mindfulness meditation for twenty to thirty minutes on a daily basis. Deep relaxation techniques like guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation can also help in the treatment of fibromyalgia. [2]


[1] Society for Women’s Health Research. Fibromyalgia affects women more often than men. 2008. Retrieved from

[2] Ali A, McCarthy PL. Complementary and integrative methods in fibromyalgia. Pediatrics in Review. 2014;35(12):510-518.

[3] O’Neill J, Brock C, Olesen AE, et al. Unravelling the mystery of capsaicin: A tool to understand and treat pain. Pharmacological Reviews. 2012;64(4):939-971.

[4] Henrotin Y, Priem F, Mobasheri A. Curcumin: a new paradigm and therapeutic opportunity for the treatment of osteoarthritis: curcumin for osteoarthritis management. Springerplus. 2013;2:56.

[5] Montserrat-de la Paz S, Garcia-Gimenez MD, Quillez AM, et al. Ginger rhizome enhances the anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects of paracetamol in an experimental mouse model of fibromyalgia. Inflammopharmacology. 2018;26(4):1093-1101.

[6] Kim Y-S, Kim K-M, Lee D-J, et al. Women with fibromyalgia have lower levels of calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese in hair mineral analysis. Journal of Korean Medical Science. 2011;26(10):1253-1257.

[7] Carson JW, Carson KM, Jones KD, et al. Yoga alleviates pain and improves function in fibromyalgia patients. Elsevier. 2010.

[8] Curtis K, Osadchuk A, Katz J. An eight-week yoga intervention is associated with improvements in pain, psychological functioning and mindfulness, and changes in cortisol levels in women with fibromyalgia. Journal of Pain Research. 2011;4:189-201.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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