Acne scars are appearing on our face at the most cases. But also they can appear on our backs. We can eliminate acne in easier way compared to riding of the acne scars which is difficult process. Pimples can be easily treated with natural remedies but the pimple scars are not going very easily. You should not play with your acnes. You should try to keep your hands off your acnes. You should not squeeze them, pick them or play with them. Your skin will be lighter as the time passes by but if you are exposing your acne scars to the sun, then their healing process will slow down and also they will get darker. If you go out in the sun, then you should protect your skin with a sunscreen and you should wear clothes. Talk with your doctor about this problem. Following are some acne scars home remedy
Natural cures and acne scars home remedy
Lemon juice: This acne scars home remedy is natural bleach. It has high amounts of Vitamin C which can help you to rebuild the collagen. When you use lime juice as your natural treatment, then your spots are getting lighter as the time passes by [1]. This is one of the best skin lightening agents. It has acid which can help to brighten your skin and your scars will be less visible. It will lighten the dark scars and fade away freckles in very short time. If you have swollen pimples, then lemon juice can also help you to reduce the redness. This is one of the most used acne scars home remedy which you surely have in your fridge. You need to squeeze the juice from fresh lemon and then you should apply this lemon juice on your acne scars. You need to apply it every single day. After you have applied lemon juice on your skin, then you should not go out on sun. This acne scars home remedy will make your skin sensitive to the sun’s rays. Even there have passed hours after you have applied the lemon juice you should not forget to apply a sunscreen. Honey is also a very effective natural remedy for acne scars. You need to squeeze one to two lemons. Put the fresh lemon juice in a bowl. You need to add one teaspoon of honey in the lemon juice. You should mix this mixture very well. You should dip a cotton ball in this mixture. With this cotton ball you should apply this remedy to all places where you have acne scars. You should let this remedy to stay on your skin from ten to fifteen minutes. You should wash your skin with water and you should pat dry. Repeat this treatment once per day in a period of two to three weeks.
Tea tree oil: This kind of oil has antiviral, antiseptic, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties [2]. This is one of the best remedies not only for acne scars but also for acne. Here is one remedy which you can make for your acne scars. In one or two tablespoons of water you should add two to four drops of tea tree oil. You need to dip the cotton ball in the diluted tea tree oil. You should apply this acne scars home remedy to your acne scars. You should repeat this treatment two to three times per day. You should never use undiluted tea tree oil. It is too strong and you skin cannot handle with it. If you have sensitive skin, then you need to dilute it with bigger amount of water.
Honey: Honey is also one of the most used natural remedies for acne scars. You should apply honey on your acne scars [3]. Let it stay on your face all the night. In the morning you should wash your skin. Make a mixture from ¼ cup of oatmeal with two tablespoons of honey. You should apply this mixture on the pimple scars in gentle way. You should let this remedy to stay on your skin from fifteen to twenty minutes and then you should wash your skin with lukewarm water. Also there is another mixture which you can make from honey. Mix one tablespoon of honey with ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Let this remedy to stay on your skin for one hour. You can use this mixture every night. Then, you should wash this acne scars home remedy from your skin.
acne scars home remedy
Aloe Vera: This herb will boost the healing process, regenerate the damaged tissues and it will soothe the swollen skin. You should not use cosmetic products which have Aloe Vera as their component. You should use the fresh gel from the Aloe Vera leaf. You need to peel the outer green cover on an Aloe Vera leaf. Beneath this layer you will see a substance which looks like a gel. You should take this gel and then you should apply it on your acne scars. You should let this acne scars home remedy to stay on your skin for 30 minutes and then you should wash your skin. You should apply this treatment two times per day and you will notice improvements in very short time. Your acne scars will diminish and also your skin will become tighter and it will start glowing. [4]
Olive oil: Olive oil has many vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B2. Also it has antioxidants and iron. All these elements are very helpful for our skin. Also it has anti – inflammatory properties which can help you to remove the acne scars [5]. You need to take small amounts of olive oil and then you should massage your face with this oil on the gentle way. You need to focus this acne scars home remedy on the pimple scars. You should massage your skin for a few minutes until you have noticed that the oil is absorbed by your skin. You need to take a cloth or clean towel and drape it in warm water. You should put the cloth or the towel on your face to get the steam from it. You should wipe away the excess oil in a gentle way by using this cloth. You should not rub it. You should let this acne scars home remedy to stay on your face from one to two minutes and then you should wash your face with normal water.
Baking soda: It has exfoliating effects which means that it can help you to remove the acne scars. You should mix water with baking soda and they will help you to remove the dead skin layer from your face and this mixture will not cause you any kind of inflammation during the application. You need one teaspoon of baking soda with water to make a consistent paste. You should massage your face with this paste on gentle way and you should focus this massage on your pimple scars. You need to massage your skin from one to two minutes. After you are done with the massage, then you should let this paste to stay on your skin in a period of few minutes. When this period has passed, then you need to wash off this paste from your face with warm water. You need to apply some kind of moisturizers and it is recommended applying olive oil. You need to repeat this acne scars home remedy treatment two or three times per week.
Raw potato: This is one of the most effective natural remedies which can help you to remove the pimple scars from your skin [6]. You need to treat your skin with this natural remedy in a period of few days and you should be patient. You should not lose your hope if you have noticed that in the first days your condition is not improved. You need to take one potato and then you should cut this potato in round slices. You need to take one slice and then you should rub this slice on your face in circular motion. You need to do this acne scars home remedy treatment until you have noticed that the slice of potato is dried. Then, you should take another slice and you need to repeat the previous mentioned process. You need to repeat this treatment in a period of fifteen to twenty minutes. You need to let your face to absorb the potato juice. Then, you should wash your face. You need to apply some kind of moisturizers on your skin. You need to do this massage three to four times per week at least from one to two months. This treatment can vary in length because it depends from the intensity of your acne scars. As we have said, you need to be patient while you are doing some of the mentioned acne scars home remedy because it needs some time to improve your condition.
Raw tomatoes: There are two remedies which you can make from raw tomatoes. For the first one you need to take one ripe red tomato. You need to cut this tomato in pieces. You need to crush these pieces and you should make a pulp of this tomato. You need to apply this tomato pulp on your face. You need to stay there from fifteen to twenty minutes. You need to wash your face. You need to repeat this acne scars home remedy treatment two times per day in a period of one or two weeks. For the second remedy you need to get the pulp of two tomatoes. You need to grate two avocados and one cucumber and squeeze the juice from them. You need to mix all the ingredients. You should apply this mixture on your face. You need to let this remedy to stay on your face from fifteen to twenty minutes. You should wash this acne scars home remedy with water.
[1] Shinkafi SA, Ndanusa H. Antibacterial activity of Citrus limon on acne vulgaris (pimples). International Journal of Science Inventions Today. 2013;2(5):397-409.
[2] Hammer KA. Treatment of acne with tea tree oil (melaleuca) products: A review of
efficacy, tolerability and potential modes of action. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2015;45:106-10.
[3] McLoone P, Oluwadun A, Warnock M, Fyfe L. Honey: A therapeutic agent for disorders of the skin. Central Asian Journal of Global Health. 2016;5(1):241.
[4] Abdel-Hamid AAM, Soliman MFM. Effect of topical aloe vera on the process of healing of full-thickness skin burn: A histological and immunohistochemical study. Journal of Histology & Histopathology. 2015;2(3).
[5] Lin TK, Zhong L, Santiago JL. Anti-inflammatory and skin barrier repair effects of topical application of some plant oils. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2018;19(1):70.
[6] Nasri H, Bahmani M, Shahinfard N, et al. Medicinal plants for the treatment of acne vulgaris: A review of recent evidences. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology. 2015;8(11):e25580.
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