Tuesday, April 30, 2024

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Almond milk best alternative for infants with dairy intolerance

Almond milk has many health benefits, such as improving our vision, helping us lose weight, and strengthening our bones and heart.

Also, this is a good alternative for the milk of nursing mothers. It can help us have normal kidney function, maintain ideal blood pressure, and build strong bones.

Almond milk is not a commonly used type of milk. Many people are trying to replace cow milk with almond milk.

This kind of milk has many nutrients, and it will be a good choice for all people who do not consume any kind of dairy product.

It is rich with Vitamin C, zinc, sodium, potassium, Vitamin B6, niacin, fiber, lipids, proteins, riboflavin etc. All the mentioned nutrients are important for the normal health of our bodies. This milk has not lactose or cholesterol.

7 Health benefits of almond milk

Anti-cancer properties

There are some studies in which is shown that if you consume almond milk, then it can suppress the LNCaP prostate cells, which are stimulated when someone is drinking cow milk. If you suffer from some kind of cancer, you must talk with your doctor before using some kind of natural remedy.

Immunity system

This kind of milk is rich in minerals and nutrients that can help you to have a healthy immune system. We need strong immune system because it can protect us from microorganisms and germs, which are harmful for our bodies and can lead to serious diseases.

When someone has a poor immune system, they have an increased chance of getting diseases and health issues. When we drink almond milk, then we make our immune system strong and healthy.

Health benefits of almond milkStrong bones

Almond milk is rich in calcium, which is a vital element for strong bones and for forming and maintaining healthy teeth. Also this element is important for maintaining a normal heart beat, relaxing muscles and blood clotting.

You should add almond milk to your diet because it can ensure you will have healthy bone growth, whether you are an adult or an infant.

Also, this milk can help you reduce the risk of osteoporosis. One serving of almond milk contains 30% of the daily calcium requirement.

Also, it has Vitamin D, which can keep our bones healthy as we get older.

Substitute for breast milk

This kind of milk has many vitamins and minerals which are similar to those who are found in the mother’s breast milk. It has high amounts of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and iron. These elements can make you sure that your infant will grow healthy.

Also, it has high amounts of protein, making it one of the healthiest foods worldwide, and it is healthy in the same amount as soy milk and rice.

Improved vision

It has high amounts of Vitamin A, which can help you function normally in your eyes. In this modern age, we use tablets, smartphones, and computers, which can have side effects on our vision if we use them too much.

You can treat this condition in natural way. You should drink almond milk because it is rich in Vitamin A. It will protect your eyes from the side effects of these modern products and help you have normal function of your eyes.

Healthy skin

Our skin needs to have different types of minerals and vitamins because they can keep it healthy. This kind of milk has Vitamin E, which can help you have healthy skin.

Also, it has Vitamin A, which, together with Vitamin E, will repair your skin if damaged. You can use almond milk as a skin-cleansing lotion.

When cleansing your skin, you should add rosewater to the almond milk to have the best results.

Kidney health

If you have too many amounts of potassium and calcium in your body, then they can harm your kidneys. Almond milk also has potassium and phosphorous, which are not the same as dairy products.

People who suffer from kidney conditions should add almond milk to their diet because it can reduce the potassium levels in their bodies; those people should not use soy products or dairy products.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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