The reticulocyte index calculator determining the reticulocyte index production based on hemoglobin, hematocrit, or reticulocyte count through two different methods. You should know that reticulocytes are newly produced, relatively immature red blood cells. The reticulocyte count can help to regulate the number and the percentage of reticulocytes in the blood and it is a reflection of recent bone marrow function or activity. Our red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.
There, blood-forming stem cells differentiate and develop, eventually forming reticulocytes and finally becoming mature red blood cells. The reticulocyte count can be used to monitor function following a bone marrow transplant; to monitor bone marrow function following treatments, such as chemotherapy; to monitor response to treatment, such as that for iron – deficiency anemia; to help detect and distinguish between different types of anemia;
to determine if the bone marrow is functioning properly and responding adequately to the body’s need for red blood cells; as a follow up to abnormal result on a complete blood count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, or hematocrit, to help determine the cause.
Reticulocyte count:
These are red blood cells that are still developing. Also, they are known as immature red blood cells. They are made in the bone marrow and sent into the bloodstream. Then, about two days after they form, they develop into mature red blood cells. These red blood cells are moving the oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body. The reticulocyte count measures the number of reticulocytes in your blood. If this count is too low or too high, then it can mean a serious health problem, such as anemia and disorders of the kidneys, liver, and bone marrow.
How to increase your red blood cell count?
Red blood cells are very important for our bodies because they carry iron-rich hemoglobin for up to 120 days and after that, they die. It is very important to increase the number of red blood cells in your blood if they are too low because otherwise, it can cause serious health problems, like anemia. You need to add foods to your diet which can help you to increase the count of your red blood cells.
When you eat an iron-rich diet, then this can help to increase your body’s production of red blood cells. Some iron-rich foods include egg yolks, legumes, beans, dried fruits (like raisins and prunes), dark, leafy, green vegetables, such as kale and spinach, organ meat, such as liver and kidney, and red meat, such as beef.
Folic acid:
You can add some B vitamins to your diet because this can be beneficial in order of increasing the number of red blood cells. Vitamin B9 is known as folic acid and you can add it to your diet. Some foods which have folic acid as their component include nuts; peas; lentils; beans; dark, leafy, green vegetables, such as kale and spinach; enriched cereals; enriched bread.
Vitamin A:
This vitamin is also called retinol. It supports red blood cell production in people. You should add foods high in Vitamin A in your diet, such as fruits, like cantaloupe, grapefruit, and watermelon; red peppers; carrots; squash; sweet potatoes; dark, leafy, greens, such as kale and spinach.
The copper intake does not directly result in red blood cell production. But, it can help your red blood cells to access the iron they need to replicate. Some foods high in copper include nuts, cherries, beans, liver, shellfish, and poultry.
Vitamin B12:
You can add foods high in Vitamin B12 in your diet, such as eggs; dairy products, like cheese and milk; fish; red meat, such as beef.
Reduce alcohol consumption:
It can be helpful for you to eliminate or reduce alcoholic beverages from your diet. When you drink too much alcohol, then it can lower your red blood cell count. In some studies done in the United States is said that moderate drinking for adult men is including two alcoholic drinks on daily basis or less. For women adults, moderate drinking is including one alcoholic drink on daily basis or less.
Avoid iron blockers:
You should avoid eating food that can block the ability of your body to absorb iron, especially if you have a low red blood cell count. Also, you should avoid drinks that can block iron, such as beer, wine, cola drinks, tea, coffee, etc. Also, foods that have phytates (like grains and cereals), polyphenols (like coffee and tea), and calcium (like dairy and milk) can hinder iron absorption, so you should not consume them with iron sources.
Vitamin C:
Iron cannot be fully absorbed by our bodies. This is a reason why it needs a medium to help absorb it well. Here is Vitamin C to help with iron absorption. You should eat more berries, grapefruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, lemons, oranges, etc. They are all rich in Vitamin C and you will notice an increase in the red blood cell count.
This fruit is a rich source of both calcium and iron, along with fiber, carbohydrates, and protein. It is one of the best foods to increase hemoglobin, due to the exceptional nutritional value which it has. You can drink pomegranate juice on daily basis, so you will be sure that your hemoglobin levels are at par.
This is one of the best ways for increasing hemoglobin levels, which means that red blood cell count will be increased. This vegetable is rich in iron. But, it also has folic acid along with potassium and fiber. You can drink beetroot juice on daily basis, so you will be sure that you will have a healthy blood count.
This dried fruit has a sweet taste and it is packed with energy and it is super nourishing. Dates have good amounts of iron, which can help to increase the hemoglobin levels in the blood. But, if you are diabetic, then it is recommended to avoid eating them because they have high sugar content
It has been shown that moderate exercising can give good benefits to any person who practices it. But, this is very important for people who have low red blood cell count. When you are making sustained vigorous exercise which raises the heart rate, it increases the body and brain’s need for oxygen. This is a reason why the heart beats faster and the lungs breathe deeper and quicker. This need for oxygen is stimulating the body to produce more red blood cells. When you are making regular exercises, along with a healthy diet, then your bone marrow has the best tools to create red blood cells.
Some of the best exercises include guided exercise classes, such as aerobics or spinning; swimming; cycling; jogging; running. But, some simple things which you do throughout the day, such as engaging in a little gardening, going for a walk, using stairs instead of an elevator, are also counting in your weekly exercise requirement. It is recommended 150 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity per week.
Nettle tea:
Nettle is one of the best herbs because it has Vitamin C, iron, and B vitamins, and it plays a key role in raising hemoglobin levels. You should add two teaspoons of dried nettle leaves to a cup of hot water and allow it to steep for ten minutes. Then, you can strain it and add a little honey. You should drink this tea two times per day.
This is one of the best fruits which can help to increase the red blood cell count due to its iron and Vitamin C content, which makes the iron absorption process better and faster.
When you eat at least one apple per day, then it can help you to maintain a normal level of hemoglobin. This is possible because apples are rich in iron and other health-friendly components which are needed for a healthy hemoglobin count. You can eat one apple per day or you can drink juice made with one–half cup of each apple and beetroot juice two times per day.
You can add a dash of lemon juice or ginger to get extra flavor. Also, pomegranate is rich in iron, protein, fiber, and calcium. These nutrients can help to maintain the count of your red blood cells and they will promote healthy blood flow.
Pumpkin seeds:
Pumpkin seeds have about 8 mg of iron along with sufficient manganese, magnesium, and calcium content. You can sprinkle them over salads or you can add them to your smoothies.
Legumes, like beans, peas, peanuts, and lentils can help to increase the hemoglobin levels significantly. They have iron and folic acid content which can help to boost the production of red blood cells in the body.