Friday, July 26, 2024

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Benefits of lady’s mantle -Wound healing, Anti – aging and Menstrual issues

This plant has been used since medieval times for its medicinal properties. There are many people who believe that the rainwater collected on the leaves of lady’s mantle has magical powers but in the modern times this is not believed. Nowadays, the lady’s mantle is used to cure many ailments. It has many health benefits which can give you youthful skin and great looking hair. This is a perennial plant. It has been aiding women with weight loss, menopause and menstruation for quite some time. When lady’s mantle is consumed as tea, then it provides many benefits suited towards women. It is known that women have consumed lady’s mantle as a tea to treat a sore throat and prevent cramps. In the middle ages, this herbal remedy was mainly popular in Europe but nowadays it is popular all around the world. You should consult a physician before you consume lady’s mantle tea. It is not recommended for nursing or pregnant women. There are some studies in which are said that the lady’s mantle is associated with liver damage but there are not enough studies to determine the safety or short term and long term effects of the usage of lady’s mantle. This herb can aggravate bleeding disorders and people who suffer from such conditions should avoid lady’s mantle, especially those who suffer from high blood pressure, anemia and blood clots. People who take iron supplements and blood thinners should avoid lady’s mantle.

Health benefits of lady’s mantle:

Oral health: You should try rinsing your mouth using an extract of lady’s mantle. This home remedy will ease the blood flow and it facilitates healing.

After childbirth: In the past there was a myth associated with the lady’s mantle. It was believed that the lady’s mantle has the ability to restore the woman’s virginity. This myth has made its way into the modern times and the leaves of lady’s mantle are used even today on nursing mothers, particularly on their stomach and breast to reduce the visible signs of childbirth.

Vaginal infections: The lady’s mantle can be used to clean the vagina if a woman suffers from yeast infection, itchiness or white discharge. You can use the lady’s mantle as a douche or you can apply it on a tampon and insert it into the vagina without experiencing any ill effects.

Menstrual issues: The lady’s mantle has many health benefits for the female health – related issues. Women who are going through menopause should use lady’s mantle as their natural treatment but also women can use it for regulating the menstrual periods. Lady’s mantle has salicylic acid which is working as a painkiller and it can help to cope with painful periods.

Wound healing: There are some herbalists and alternative medicinal practitioners who are using the lady’s mantle for treating wounds because it has styptic properties. You can treat scrapes, burns and wounds at your home using the lady’s mantle.

Health benefits of lady's mantle

Health benefits of lady’s mantle

Scalp health tonic: Lady’s mantle has antioxidants which can help your scalp to rid of the free radicals which can prevent your scalp and hair follicles from producing healthy cells.

Effective astringent: Lady’s mantle has tannin which is giving its astringent properties. You can use the lady’s mantle on your skin as a regular astringent. But there is no guarantee that it will work for you because there are not scientific evidences to back this claim.

Skin infections: This herb is great for treating bites, stings, skin rashes, eczema and skin infection. You can make a poultice of the lady’s mantle and then apply it on the affected part of your skin and let it work.

Anti – aging: The lady’s mantle has the ability to fight against the visible signs of aging just an arms length away. It has antioxidants which can help to rid of the free radicals and it can ensure that the skin’s elasticity is maintained for a long time.

Weight loss: It can help with the weight loss but there are few studies which are confirming the results of this property. When you are combining it with horsemint, cumin and olive tree leaf, then it can help to burn the excess fat while at the same time it will suppress the appetite.

Pardhan Singh
Pardhan Singh
A seasoned natural therapist with degree in Ayurvedic Medicine (BAMS) successful in treating various diseases through Ayurvedic treatments. You can contact Pradhan at [email protected]


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