Bone cancer usually starts in the bones of your arms and legs, but also can start in some other bone in the body. There are signs and symptoms of the bone cancer which are making this disease very difficult such as broken bones, bone pain, fatigue, swelling, fatigue, weight loss and tenderness. When people are suffering from bone cancer, then they are tear and wear of bones which are caused by this disease. In some cases bone cancer can be reason for abnormal growth. When people are suffering from bone cancer, then they are having pain. If this disease is not treated well, then people can have worse condition. If you are feeling some symptoms, then you should visit your doctor. Your doctor will make the entire test that is needed to be sure for your health condition and the grade of your disease. There are many medicines which you can use about this condition. But also you can try some of the bone cancer home remedy and natural cures which are mentioned below:
Bone cancer home remedy and natural treatments
Green tea: This is one of the most used bone cancer home remedy. Also it is used in the medicine as natural treatment for bone cancer. This tea is very powerful because it is possessing anti-cancer properties which are making it the perfect natural remedy for bone cancer [1]. People, who are consuming at least two cups of green tea per day, have noticed that their health is getting better. Also people who are drinking green tea are fighting against all the unwanted cells which can make serious diseases in the body. This tea is acting like an antioxidant which is perfect bone cancer home remedy for protecting our body of serious diseases and also it is perfect natural remedy for treating the bone cancer.
Vitamin A: People who are suffering from bone cancer should add big quantity of Vitamin A in their diet. There are many fruits and vegetables which are rich source of Vitamin A such as yellow, dark-green or orange vegetables and fruits. If you are suffering from bone cancer, then you must consume fruits and vegetables which are rich with this vitamin. This bone cancer home remedy is one of the most vital vitamins in the fight against the bone cancer. [2]
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is one of the most used bone cancer home remedy. This is reason because this plant has anti-cancer properties which are helping in the fight against the bone cancer. Aloeride is component of the Aloe Vera which is extremely important for the healing process of the bone cancer. If you are suffering from bone cancer, then you must use Aloe Vera constantly. When you are using Aloe Vera constantly, then you are increasing the chances for improving your health. Also you are feeling better. When you are using this natural remedy, you are having more energy for doing all the activities which you have planned. It is medically proven that people who are consuming Aloe Vera have not noticed any side effect of this natural remedy. [3]
Magnesium: There are many famous studies which have proven the effect of magnesium in the fight against the bone cancer. When people are using magnesium as their bone cancer home remedy, then they are utilizing the calcium levels in the body which is very helpful for keeping the bone health. There are many choices of magnesium which you can use as your natural remedy for bone cancer. You can find the magnesium in the clean form or also you can find the magnesium in a combination with the calcium. Both forms of magnesium are very effective for treating your health. [4]
Calcium: Many medical scientists have proven that this element is one of the best bone cancer home remedy. When people are adding calcium in their bodies, then they are preventing the bone deterioration. Also if people are having bone deterioration, then with using calcium they are making the right treatment for this condition. Also when people are adding calcium supplements in their diet, they are also preventing their bodies from any type of cancer. The recommended daily intake amount of calcium for people aged 19-50 is 1000 milligrams. This amount you can take from your nutritional diet or you can get the calcium in the form of supplement. But for the right dose, you should consult with your doctor. [5]
Strontium: Strontium is one of the most important elements in the fight against the bone cancer together with the calcium. There are many scientists which have claimed that strontium is very important part of the natural treatment for bone cancer. This nutrient can help your body to convert the calcium in useful aids which are preventing the bones from any kind of diseases (including bone cancer). There are many choices for this element. You can take this natural remedy in a supplement form which is clean supplement form of strontium. Also you can find this element on the markets together with the calcium. You can use this bone cancer home remedy in the both forms which will help you a lot in the fight against the bone cancer. [6]
Omega-3: One of the most important natural remedies for treating the bone cancer is the omega-3. This bone cancer home remedy is helping in the prevention from the bone deterioration which is making it one of the most vital parts in the fight against the bone cancer. You can find this remedy in the form of fish oil. If you do not want to use fish oil in your diet, then you can add omega-3 fatty acids in your diet by eating healthy foods and healthy sources of omega-3 fatty acids. [7]
Essiac tea: This tea is also used in the treatment of the bone cancer. There are many patients which had bone cancer and used essiac tea in their fight against the bone cancer. They have told that this bone cancer home remedy has helped them. In this tea there are enzymes which are helping to body to get rid of proteins which are not belonging to the body such as mucus. Also there is similar tea like the essiac tea which is known as Floressence tea. The both teas are having similar effects in the fight against the bone cancer.
Green tea and grapefruit seed extract: There are many patients which have proved that this combination has proved their condition. People who have taken this combination and who were diagnosed with bone cancer they are not having bone cancer nowadays [1]. They have drunk two cups of green tea per day. When you are using green tea as your natural remedy, you should not add any supplement in it. You should drink the green tea in plain form. Also those patients were taking two grapefruit seed extract per day. There are many healthy shops in which you can find the grapefruit seed extract. But before you have chosen to use this combination as your natural remedy, you should talk with your doctor about any side effect. Also you should ask your doctor if he or she has approved the use of this bone cancer home remedy, which is the recommended amount that you should intake.
Massage: Aqua pressure and the massage are very helpful when people are suffering from bone cancer. If you have decided to use massage, then you should do this massage with light hands and with mustard, olive or lavender oil. This bone cancer home remedy will help you a lot in the fight against the bone cancer. Your pain will be reduced. [8]
Diet: People who are suffering from bone cancer should use diet which is rich with roughage, minerals and vitamins. This kind of diet should include milk products, green salad, fruits and vegetables. Milk has great antioxidant properties which are making it perfect natural remedy for the bone cancer. Also people who are suffering from bone cancer should drink lot of distilled water which will make their bowel movement to be effective. [9]
Herbs: People who are suffering from bone cancer can use many kinds of herbs (such as maitake, bupleurum, psoralea and astralagus) which can be very powerful natural cures for this disease. These are natural herbs and the way in which they should be consumed is very easy. Also there are other herbs which can be taken everyday such as ginger and turmeric. Also when people are suffering from bone cancer should use herbal tea which will be extremely effective natural treatment for their disease.
Healthy tips for improving your condition: People who are suffering from bone cancer should use only healthy cooking oils such as fish oil and coconut oil. Also other healthy tip is that you should not eat commercial baked goods which are having trans fatty acids such as donuts, cakes, crackers, cookies, French fries, processed foods, margarine and onion rings. If you are suffering from bone cancer, then you should add proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates which are very helpful in the fight against the bone cancer. It is recommended seeing a nutritionist which will make a healthy food plan which is personalized about your condition. If you are suffering from bone cancer, then you must not drink coffee, alcohol or to use tobacco. Also if you are suffering from bone cancer you should do regular exercises at least 5 days per week. You should talk with your doctor what kind of exercises and bone cancer home remedy you should do about your health while suffering from bone cancer.
[1] Miyata Y, Matsuo T, Araki K, et al. Anticancer effects of green tea and the underlying molecular mechanisms in bladder cancer. Medicines. 2018;5(3):87.
[2] Doldo E, Costanza G, Agostinelli S, et al. Vitamin A, cancer treatment and prevention: The new role of cellular retinol binding proteins. BioMed Research International. 2015;2015:624627.
[3] Mansouri P, Haghighi M, Beheshtipour N, Ramzi M. The effect of aloe vera solution on chemotherapy-induced stomatitis in clients with lymphoma and leukemia: A randomized controlled clinical trial. International Journal of Community Based Nursing & Midwifery. 2016;4(2):119-26.
[4] Welch AA, Skinner J, Hickson M. Dietary magnesium may be protective for aging of bone and skeletal muscle in middle and younger older age men and women: Cross-sectional findings from the UK biobank cohort. Nutrients. 2017;9(11):1189.
[5] Lipton A, Uzzo R, Amato RJ, et al. The science and practice of bone health in oncology: Managing bone loss and metastasis in patients with solid tumors. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. 2009;7(Suppl7):S1–S30.
[6] Genius SJ, Bouchard TP. Combination of micronutrients for bone (COMB) study: Bone density after micronutrient intervention. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2012;2012:354151.
[7] Freitas RDS, Campos MM. Protective effects of omega-3 fatty acids in cancer-related complications. Nutrients. 2019;11(5):945.
[8] Jane SW, Chen SL, Wilkie DJ, et al. Effects of massage on pain, mood status, relaxation, and sleep in Taiwanese patients with metastatic bone pain: a randomized clinical trial. Pain. 2011;152(10):2432-42.
[9] Donaldson MS. Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet. Nutrition Journal. 2004;3:19.