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Alternative natural treatments and remedies for managing HIV

The HIV harms the immune system by destroying the white blood cells which fight against infection. This is putting you at risk for serious infections and certain cancers. Most often, HIV spreads through unprotected sex with a person who has HIV. Also, it can spread by sharing drug needles or through contact with the blood of a person who has HIV. Also, women can give the HIV to their babies during childbirth or pregnancy. Swollen glands and flu – like symptom are the first signs of HIV infection. They can come and go within 2 – 4 weeks. The severe symptoms of HIV may not appear until months or years later. You can make a blood test so it will tell you if you have HIV infection. You should know that there is no cure for HIV but there are many different medicines which can fight against the HIV infection and they can lower the risk of infecting others. It is noticed that people who get early treatment can live with this disease for a long time. If you suffer from HIV, then you should talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies for it so in this way you can avoid side effects.

Management of HIV through natural remedies

Physical therapies: It is known that physical therapies can help a person to improve movement, de – stress and relax. There are some studies in which are said that people who live with HIV have higher rates of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety compared to the general population [1]. This can affect the quality of life of the affected person. It is known that physical therapies can help to boost the mental and physical health of people. Some physical therapies which are recommended to people who suffer from HIV are acupuncture, yoga, sports or medical massage or chiropractic care. When you have a massage, then it can promote relaxation and it can help to alleviate anxiety and stress which are often associated with HIV. There was one small – scale 2016 study in which was said that yoga can help to reduce the depression and it can improve the CD4 counts in people who have HIV and who were receiving antiretroviral therapy [2]. This study lasted just one month and it has only 40 participants so the results are limited. Acupuncture is involving very thin needles into specific parts of the body. Practitioners believe that these needles can help to release pressure points and this can help a person’s body to produce chemicals to reduce pain.

Basil: This natural cure can help to get a relief from the nausea and it aids digestion. Also, it has an antiseptic function which can be used for mouth sores as a symptom of HIV. You should add basil to your food because it can help to treat nausea and digestive problems. You should use it as gargle for mouth sores. [3]

Turmeric: This natural cure is digestive aid. It acts as antioxidant and antiseptic [4]. You can use powdered turmeric in rice, cereals and other foods. You should talk with your doctor about the best way to use turmeric as your home remedy for HIV.

Cardamom: This natural cure can help with the loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, pain and digestive problems which are symptoms of HIV. You should add cardamom to food during cooking or you should prepare it as tea.

Relaxation techniques: We know that meditation is a relaxation technique which can help to reduce the person’s anxiety. There are many who live with HIV and who have higher anxiety and stress levels compared to the general population. Also, meditation can help to alleviate some of the anxiety associated with HIV. [1]

Cloves: This natural cure can stimulate vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, appetite and helps with weak digestion. You can use cloves in tea, warmed fruit juice, stews and soups.

Neem: It can help to bring down fever. You should cut a fresh twig, remove the leaves and boil the bark in water and drink it as tea. Also, you can chew the bark. [5]

HIV home remedyCayenne: It is known that this natural cure can heal ulcers and intestinal inflammation, helps fight against infection and it can stimulate appetite. You should add a pinch of cayenne to cooked or raw foods. If you want to have an energized drink, then you should add cayenne to fruit juice or water. [6]

Calendula: The calendula flower heads have healing, anti – inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It can help with the infections of the upper digestive tract when you suffer from HIV. You can use this home remedy as a compress to treat the infected wounds. You can prepare it as tea because it can help you with the digestion. [7]

Eucalyptus: This natural cure has antibacterial function which is effective against lungs and during bronchitis. The eucalyptus oil which is derived from the leaves can increase the blood flow and it can reduce the symptoms of inflammation. You should make a tea from the leaves or extract of eucalyptus. [8]

Medical marijuana: It is known that the medical marijuana is not legal in all parts of the USA. But some people have reported that it can help to improve the appetite, alleviate pain and reduce the nausea which is associated with HIV medications, particularly older antiretroviral drugs. If you suffer from HIV, then you should talk with your doctor before you start using medical marijuana as an alternative treatment for HIV because in this way you will be sure that it will not interact with other medications that you take. There are some studies done on the use of the medical marijuana on people who have HIV and it has produced a variety of short – term outcome. But there is no enough long – term data which can show the safety and effectiveness of the use of medical marijuana for HIV. This natural cure may be not suitable for people who had substance use disorder so you should always ask your doctor if you can add it as your natural cure for HIV. [9]

Avoid raw meat, eggs and more: It is known fact that foodborne illnesses can be especially severe in people who are infected with HIV. You should cook your meat until it is well – done. You should avoid unpasteurized dairy products, raw eggs and raw seafood, such as sashmi, sushi or oysters.

Chamomile: This natural cure can help with the digestion and it will give you a relief from the nausea. You can make tea with the leaves and flowers of chamomile and you should drink this tea several times per day. [10]

Take care with companion animals: It is known that some animals can carry parasites which can cause infections in people who are HIV positive. Birds can carry histoplasmosis or Cryptococcus, reptiles can carry salmonella and cat feces can cause toxoplasmosis.

Whey protein: There are some studies in which are said that whey protein, which is a cheese byproduct, can help some people who gain weight due to HIV. Also, it can reduce diarrhea and it can increase CD4 T cell counts. [11]

Acetyl – L – carnitine: There are some studies in which acetyl – L – carnitine was used to treat the nerve pain in people with diabetes. Also, it can ease the nerve pain which is linked to HIV if you are lacking in the substance.

Aloe Vera: There are some studies in which are found that this home remedy can help you to get a relief from the constipation. You can use it as extract. You should boil it and drink the concentrated water. You should use this natural cure in limited amounts. You should stop it immediately if you have noticed that it has caused you cramps or diarrhea. [12]

Fennel: This natural cure can help to increase the appetite, expel gas and combat flatulence. You should add fennel as spice to foods or you can prepare tea from the seeds. You should use this natural cure in limited amounts.

Lemon: This natural cure has antibacterial properties and it can help with the digestion. You should add lemon juice to your food or drinks. [13]

Cinnamon: This natural cure is good for colds and for weakness after flu or colds. Also, it can be used for nausea, diarrhea and when you feel cold. The cinnamon can help to stimulate your appetite. It gently stimulates digestive juices and it encourages bowel movements. You can add it to your meals or make it as tea. It can help in the treatment of HIV but you should talk with your doctor how much you should use it and what is the best way to use for your condition.

Eat healthy foods: It is very important to eat healthy foods, such as lean protein, whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables because they can help you to keep you strong, support your immune system and give you more energy.


[1] Collins PY, Holman AR, Freeman MC, Patel V. What is the relevance of mental health to HIV/AIDS care and treatment programs in developing countries? A systematic review. AIDS. 2006;20(12):1571–82.

[2] Naoroibam R, Metri KG, Bhargav H, et al. Effect of Integrated Yoga (IY) on psychological states and CD4 counts of HIV-1 infected patients: A randomized controlled pilot study. International Journal of Yoga. 2016;9(1):57–61.

[3] Kaya I, Yigit N, Benli M. Antimicrobial activity of various extracts of Ocimum Basilicum L. and observation of the inhibition effect on bacterial cells by use of scanning electron microscopy. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines. 2008;5(4):363–9.

[4] Moghadamtousi SZ, Kadir HA, Hassandarvish P, et al. A review on antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity of curcumin. BioMed Research International. 2014;2014:186864.

[5] Alzohairy MA. Therapeutics role of Azadirachta indica (neem) and their active constituents in diseases prevention and treatment. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2016;2016:7382506.

[6] Marini E, Magi G, Mingoia M, et al. Antimicrobial and anti-virulence activity of capsaicin against Erythromycin-resistant, cell-invasive group A Streptococci. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2015;6:1281.

[7] Arora D, Rani A, Sharma A. A review on phytochemistry and ethnopharmacological aspects of genus Calendula. Pharmacognosy Review. 2013;7(14):179–87.

[8] Bachir RG, Benali M. Antibacterial activity of the essential oils from the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012;2(9):739–42.

[9] Skalski LM, Towe SL, Sikkema KJ, Meade CS. The impact of marijuana use on memory in HIV-infected patients: a comprehensive review of the HIV and marijuana literatures. Current Drug Abuse Reviews. 2017;9(2):126–41.

[10] Sanaati F, Najafi S, Kashaninia Z, Sadeghi M. Effect of ginger and chamomile on nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy in Iranian women with breast cancer. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP. 2016;17(8):4127-31

[11] Olsen MF, Abdissa A, Kaestel P, et al. Effects of nutritional supplementation for HIV patients starting antiretroviral treatment: randomised controlled trial in Ethiopia. BMJ. 2014;348:g3187.

[12] Hong SW, Chun J, Park S, et al. Aloe vera is effective and safe in short-term treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility. 2018;24(4):528–35.

[13] Shimizu C, Wakita Y, Inoue T, et al. Effects of lifelong intake of lemon polyphenols on aging and intestinal microbiome in the senescence-accelerated mouse prone 1 (SAMP1). Scientific Reports. 2019;9:3671.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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