This is chronic pain around the opening of the vagina in the area of the vulva. This condition can be quite debilitating. This condition is very commonly mistaken with other medical conditions because the symptoms of vulvodynia are very similar to them. This condition is not related to STDs (sexually – transmitted diseases).
The symptoms of vulvodynia include aching, throbbing, or burning pain that can be localized to one area of the vulva or more widespread. [1] Also, vaginal itching can be associated with vulvodynia. This condition can be treated with medications and self–care measures. It is not known what the real cause of vulvodynia is. You should know that vulvodynia is not linked with serious diseases such as cancer or other serious medical conditions, but the vulvodynia can be a source of long–term physical and emotional discomfort.
The vaginal pain can be chronic, and it can last for years in some women. The degree of severity varies from one woman to another. This condition is often happening in the absence of physical signs or visible abnormalities. Vulvodynia can be severe, and it can interfere with sexual activity and cause dyspareunia (painful intercourse). [2] When you are using some of the below-mentioned home remedies, then you should know that one home remedy was successful for one woman, it may not be successful for you. If you suffer from vulvodynia, then you need to talk with your doctor before you use some of the below-mentioned home remedies.
20 Vulvodynia natural treatment
- 1 20 Vulvodynia natural treatment
- 1.1 Baking soda
- 1.2 Desitin and tea tree oil
- 1.3 Cayenne pepper
- 1.4 Bathing
- 1.5 Peppermint
- 1.6 Damiana
- 1.7 Personal products
- 1.8 Burdock root
- 1.9 John’s Wort
- 1.10 Oats
- 1.11 Laundry
- 1.12 Coconut oil
- 1.13 Massage/trigger point therapy
- 1.14 Clothing
- 1.15 Exercises
- 1.16 Cool gel packs
- 1.17 Hormonal creams
- 1.18 Petroleum jelly
- 1.19 Lifestyle and dietary changes
Baking soda
This is a very effective home remedy for vulvodynia. You should soak in a baking soda bath for up to twenty minutes. This can help you to get relief from the symptoms of vulvodynia. You should add a cupful of soda to warm water and then soak it in for twenty minutes. This can fight the inflammation, soothe irritation and relieve pain. [3]
Desitin and tea tree oil
You should mix tea tree oil in Desitin in equal amounts. You should apply this home remedy all over your vagina after urination because it can help to fight against the pain. Also, this home remedy will keep the area clean, and it can reduce infections.
Cayenne pepper
This home remedy has capsaicin which is a natural anti-inflammatory component, and it can help to reduce nerve pain and inflammation. You can use cayenne pepper internally as well as topically. If you want to use it topically, then you should mix a bit of cayenne pepper in castor oil and coconut oil. Then, apply this home remedy to the vulva. [4]
You should be gentle when you wash. You should use cool or lukewarm water and your hand, and then use a clean towel to dry off.
When you are washing your hair, you should keep the shampoo away from your vaginal area because it can flow down from your head. You should apply petroleum jelly to your vulva after showering because, in this way, you will create a barrier between your vagina and your clothing. You should avoid hot tubs and highly chlorinated pools. Instead, you can soak in a sitz bath a few times per day for five to ten minutes at a time. [3]
This is a soothing herb that can improve your blood circulation. You should drink hot peppermint tea when the symptoms of vulvodynia flare up. Also, you should use peppermint essential oil diluted with coconut oil in the vulvar area because it can ward off irritation.
This home remedy can give relief from the pain. Also, it can help to reduce inflammation and anxiety, and it can increase the blood flow to the pelvic region. You can make tea from this herb. [5]
Personal products
Those women who suffer from vulvodynia should switch to a soft, white, and unscented brand of toilet paper. You should use only 100% cotton pads and tampons. You should avoid scented, perfumed creams, soaps, and bubble baths. [3]
Burdock root
You can make a tea of burdock root because it can give relief from nerve pain. You can find the burdock in capsule form so that you can take two to three capsules of burdock post-meal. You should use this home remedy for at least thirty days to see results. [6]
John’s Wort
This home remedy is used for fighting depression which is often causing discomfort and pain in the body.
It is a known fact that oats are a soothing home remedy for vulvodynia. You should add one cup of crushed oatmeal to a hot Sitz bath and then soak in it for twenty minutes. It can help you to get relief from discomfort, pain, and itching. Also, you can apply oatmeal-based cream to the vulvar area because it can help you to prevent soreness. You can eat oats because they can help to strengthen your system. Also, you can drink Oatstraw tea because it can help to nourish and relax the skin and muscles.
It is known that the products we use to clean our clothes can irritate the vaginal areas. You should use a gentle detergent that has been approved by your dermatologist. You should double–rinse the underwear in the wash because, in this way, you will be sure that it is free of chemicals or soap. You should not use fabric softener. [3]
Coconut oil
You can insert coconut oil in the vaginal opening because it has soothing properties, which can give you instant relief from the pain caused by vulvodynia. There are many women who take coconut oil internally. They take one tablespoon of organic extra virgin coconut oil on a daily basis. This home remedy can help to reduce inflammation and pain. Also, you can apply coconut oil liberally before sexual intercourse because it can help you. [7]
Massage/trigger point therapy
This is a very effective home remedy for treating vulvodynia. You should massage the soft tissues in the painful area because it can help to relax the tight muscles.
You should always keep your vaginal area cool and dry. You need to wear cotton underwear during the day, and you should sleep without underwear at night. You should steer clear of tight-fitting skirts and pants. If you wear tights or pantyhose, then you should switch to knee–length or thigh–high options, which will not block the airflow to the vaginal area. When you exercise or swim, then you should remove the sweaty or wet clothing quickly.
If the bone issues in the pelvic area or the weak muscles are causes of vulvodynia, then you can do some pelvic floor exercises because they can help you. You can do kegel exercises or squeeze–release the muscles in the pelvis because, in this way, they will become stronger. Also, biofeedback therapy can help you in the treatment of vulvodynia. Also, you should focus on stretching and relaxation exercises, like yoga, instead of horseback or bike riding. You should stand as often as you can, especially if you are working at a desk.
Cool gel packs
If you are constantly experiencing irritation, itchiness, burning, and pain, then you should wash off the vulvar area using warm water. You should use cooling gel packs to soothe the pain and itch.
Hormonal creams
There are many doctors who prescribe hormonal creams that have estrogen because this can help to keep the vagina lubricated.
Petroleum jelly
You can apply a thin layer of this home remedy to the vagina. You should be sure the product you use is oil-free. This home remedy can reduce inflammation and irritation, prevent dryness, and it can help you lock in moisture.
Lifestyle and dietary changes
If you suffer from vulvodynia, then you must talk with your doctor. He or she can recommend you some changes to overcome this condition. These changes can include wearing cotton underwear during the day and going without one completely at night when sleeping. You should avoid using perfumes, colorants, detergents, and harsh soaps when you suffer from vulvodynia. You should not douche, and you should use only warm water to wash your vagina.
If your sexual intercourse is difficult, then you should use lubricants without harsh ingredients, perfumes, or colors. Also, diet plays an important role in managing vulvodynia. You should eat an anti-inflammatory diet that consists of alkaline foods. You should avoid acidic foods like red meat, caffeinated beverages, alcohol, sodas, sugar, etc.
It is known that the pressure on the bladder and bowel can cause vulvodynia to flare up. All women need to pee regularly instead of waiting for their bladder to be full and then rinse the vaginal area with water afterward to clean it off. You should add fiber to your diet because it can help you to stay regular.
[1] Sadownik LA. Etiology, diagnosis, and clinical management of vulvodynia. International Journal of Women’s Health. 2014;6:437-449.
[2] Falsetta ML, Foster DC, Bonham AD, Phipps RP. A review of the available clinical therapies for vulvodynia management and new data implicating proinflammatory mediators in pain elicitation. An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2017;124(2):210-218.
[3] Dede M, Yenen MC, Yilmaz A, Baser I. Successful treatment of persistent vulvodynia with submucous infiltration of betamethasone and lidocaine. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2006;124(2):258-9.
[4] Derry S, Rice AS, Cole P, et al. Topical capsaicin for chronic neuropathic pain in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2017;1:CD007393.
[5] Szewczyk K, Zidorn C. Ethnobotany, phytochemistry, and bioactivity of the genus Turnera (Passifloraceae) with a focus on damiana–Turnera diffusa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2014;152(3):424-43.
[6] Wang C-H, Chung F-Y, Tsai T-R, et al. Development of great burdock essence compounds. Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences. 2012;4(1-2):45-47.
[7] Chalmers KJ, Hutchinson MR, Moseley GL. The role of physiotherapy in the management of vulvodynia. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. 121-123.