Home Home Remedies Natural treatment for salivary duct stones

Natural treatment for salivary duct stones


These stones are masses of crystallized minerals in the tubes which saliva passes through after it is made in the salivary glands. Salivary duct stones are also known as sialolithiasis. It is mainly happening in middle – aged adults. The most common symptom of this condition is the pain in neck, mouth and face which are becoming worse just before or during meals. This is happening because your salivary glands are producing saliva to facilitate eating. When your saliva cannot flow through a duct, then it backs up in the gland which is causing pain and swelling.

The exact cause for salivary duct stones is not known. The salivary duct stones can vary in size but most commonly they are big as pea. If you are feeling pain during your meals, then it can mean that the stone is completely blocking the saliva gland and this pain usually lasts one to two hours. There are some factors which can increase your risk of getting salivary duct stones, such as taking certain medications, such as antihistamines and blood pressure drugs; which can reduce the amount of saliva that is produced by glands; not eating enough food, which can cause a decrease in the saliva production; being dehydrated because this makes your saliva more concentrated. The salivary duct stones can form in the submandibular and parotid glands. [1]

Those stones which are formed in the submandibular glands are usually bigger than the ones formed in paratoid glands. The salivary duct stones can lead to an infection around the stone; swelling in your mouth which flares up from time to time; dull pain in your mouth which comes and goes. In the most cases, the salivary duct stones are not serious and you can remove them on your own. If you have noticed that you have not remove the salivary duct stone on your own, then you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from salivary duct stones before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies.

Home remedies for salivary duct stones

Natural cure for salivary duct stones

Lemon for salivary gland stones

We use lemon for many different diseases but also it is one of the best home remedies which you can use for salivary duct stones. You should drink lemon juice because it will help you in the treatment of this condition [2]. Also, you can rub lemon inside the cheek on the affected side. You should add the juice of one lemon in a glass of water and you should drink it as your home remedy every morning. This is one of the best detoxifying drinks and it aids in alkalizing the body. Also you can use sugar – free lemon drops if you have a very busy schedule. You should keep sucking lemon drops. This can help to increase the flow of the saliva from the salivary glands and it can force the stones out of the ducts. You can use lemon essential oil to massage the gum around the salivary stones because it can help you to dissolve the salivary duct stones and it can prevent further formation of stones. This oil can be too strong for someone so this is a reason why you should dilute it in coconut oil. If you have sensitive skin, then this mixture will not irritate your skin.

Oregano essential oil for salivary stones

You can use this home remedy if you suffer from salivary duct stones. This home remedy has many health properties which can help you in the treatment of this condition. You can take the oil from a supplement or capsule and then you should take it internally. Also you can add one drop of oregano essential oil in one teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil and you can use it for swishing or pulling in the mouth for about twenty minutes. [3]

Castor oil for salivary duct stones

This home remedy has healing properties and it can help you to get a relief from the pain. You can pour castor oil onto a cloth and you should hold it against the pained and swollen area for twenty minutes, once or twice per day. Also you can massage castor oil on the pained and swollen area before you go to bed. You should sleep on an old pillowcase because this oil can leave grease stains. [4]

Warm water

This is one of the best home remedies that you can use for your salivary duct stones. You should take two to three tablespoons of warm water in your mouth and you should roll the water inside by keeping the mouth shut. This home remedy can help the salivary duct stones to lose up in the gland. You should do this natural treatment five minutes at least two to three times per day. Also you can do this natural treatment as many times as you can do during the day. This home remedy can reduce the pain and swelling.


This is one of the best home remedies for salivary duct stones. If you are a man, then you should mix ¼ teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water and consume it through the day. You should do this process 4 days in a row and 3 days off. If you are a woman, then you should mix 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water and consume it throughout the day. You should consume it 4 days in row and 3 days off. If you have noticed that digestive disorder happened, then you should reduce the amount.


This home remedy can aid with infection, inflammation and pain. You can mix one teaspoon of turmeric in milk or almond milk and you should drink this home remedy two times per day. [5]


It is very important to have enough levels of magnesium in your body because this can help for the proper calcium balance in your body. One of the most common problems in people is the magnesium deficiency. You should take magnesium as supplement but you need to talk with your doctor about the recommended amount. Also you can use Epsom salt bath because it will give your body the needed magnesium because it absorbs through skin. You can use the Epsom salt as poultice for salivary duct stones. You should dissolve one teaspoon of Epsom salt in 1/3 cup of warm water. You should soak a cloth in it and then hold it against your face where it will be closest to your stones for twenty minutes per day. This home remedy can help you to get a relief from the pain and inflammation.

Do not use sharp instruments

If you suffer from salivary duct stones, then you should not use sharp instrument for removing the stone because this could lead to injury and infection.

Ice cubes

If you have pain and swelling and you want to get a relief from them, then you should suck ice cubes or ice lollies. They will help you to get a relief from these symptoms.

Sour candy

You should use a sour candy as your home remedy for the salivary duct stones. You should keep a sour candy between your cheek and jaw of the affected side where the salivary duct stone is formed. You should keep the candy deep inside because the salivary gland is at the end of the jaw. The sourness will push the salivary gland to produce more saliva which can dissolve the salivary duct stone gradually and it will open the blockage. You should do this natural treatment two to three times per day on daily basis. This home remedy will help you to dissolve your salivary duct stone in a period of one week.

Lithotrophic herbs

There are many different lithotrophic herbs which you can use as your natural remedy for salivary stones. You can use these herbs as your natural treatment for salivary gland stones because they have the ability to dissolve the duct stones. Some herbs which you can use for this purpose are gravel root, dandelion, hydrangea and chanca piedra. You should use these herbs to make a tea and then drink it. You should use this home remedy two times per day. Also you can take them in capsule or tincture form. There are many products for dissolving salivary duct stones in which lithotrohpic herbs are used because they will increase the benefit of these products.

Apple cider vinegar

This is one of the best home remedies for many different diseases in which the salivary duct stones are taking part. This home remedy can help to alkalize the body. Also it can help with the calcium deposits. You should mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water and drink it through the day. Also, you can use this home remedy as a skin poultice. You should mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water on a cloth. You should hold the cloth on the face nearest the site of salivary duct stones in a period of twenty minutes, once or twice per day. You should use raw and organic apple cider vinegar because it is best for this purpose.


[1] Kraaij S, Karagozoglu H, Kenter YAG, et al. Systemic diseases and the risk of developing salivary stones: a case control study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. 2015;119(5):539-43.

[2] Rzymska-Grala I, Stopa Z, Grala B, et al. Salivary gland calculi – contemporary methods of imaging. Polish Journal of Radiology. 2010;75(3):25–37.

[3] Leyva-López N, Gutiérrez-Grijalva EP, Vazquez-Olivo G, Heredia JB. Essential oils of oregano: Biological activity beyond their antimicrobial properties. Molecules. 2017;22(6):989.

[4] Azadmard-Damirchi S, Alirezalu K, Alirezalu A, et al. Physiological and medicinal properties of castor oil. In book: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants (Chapter 11). 2011;323-37.

[5] Daily JW, Yang M, Park S. Efficacy of turmeric extracts and curcumin for alleviating the symptoms of joint arthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Journal of Medicinal Food. 2016;19(8):717–29.



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