How To Maintain Healthy Ovulation Naturally


    Ovulation is a part of the menstrual cycle. It happens when an egg is released from your ovary. When the egg is released, it might or might not be fertilized by sperm. If it is fertilized, the egg may travel to the uterus and implant to develop pregnancy. If the egg is unfertilized, then it disintegrates and the uterine lining is shed during your period.

    Ovulation calculator will help you to know when are you are most likely to be fertile and it can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Usually, the typical menstrual cycle is 28 days long, but each woman is different. During each menstrual cycle, there are 6 days when you can get pregnant. This is known as a fertile window.

    What is ovulation?

    The release of a mature egg from one of the ovaries, which happens every month is known as ovulation. Around the time of ovulation, a woman is most fertile.

    When do you ovulate?

    Usually, ovulation is happening halfway through your menstrual cycle, or around day 14 of the average 28 – day cycle, counting from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period. But, ovulation like everything related to pregnancy, can be very different. This is happening because cycles can last from 23 – 35 days and even your own cycle and time of ovulation can slightly vary from one month to another.

    How long does ovulation last?

    The egg can be fertilized for between twelve and twenty-four hours after ovulation. The time, or the specific length of time, which takes for an egg to be released by the ovary and picked up by the fallopian tube is variable. But, it happens twelve to twenty-four hours after a surge of the hormone LH.

    How To Maintain Healthy Ovulation Naturally

    Signs of ovulation:

    Some signs for which you will know that you are ovulating include:

    • Cramping or slight pain in your side
    • Light spotting
    • Bloating
    • Breast tenderness
    • Vaginal discharge or cervical mucus may appear thinner, clearer, and stretchy, like raw egg whites
    • Higher levels of LH (luteinizing hormone), measured on a home ovulation kit
    • A rise in the basal body temperature, typically one–half to one degree, measured by a thermometer

    Where does the ovulation fit into your overall menstrual cycle?

    The day your menstrual flow begins is the day when your menstrual cycle resets. It is the start of the follicular phase. In this phase, the egg matures and is later released during ovulation, around day 14. The luteal phase comes after ovulation. If the pregnancy happens during this phase, then hormones will keep the lining from shedding with a menstrual period. Otherwise, the flow will start around the day twenty-eight of the cycle, beginning the next cycle. Ovulation generally happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

    How to maintain ovulation naturally?

    It is very important to keep your ovulation and fertility healthy because it will help you to have a healthy baby. The road to parenthood can be a huge challenge. But, you should know that you are not alone in these challenges. Lifestyle choices can affect the ability of women to conceive. There are many simple steps that can help to get pregnant.

    Avoid exposure to toxins:

    Environmental pollutants and toxins (such as lead, dry-cleaning solvents, and pesticides) can affect your ovulation, so you should try to avoid them as much as possible.

    Be wary of overexercising:

    When you are doing too much vigorous physical activity, then this can inhibit ovulation and reduce the production of the hormone progesterone. If you have a healthy weight and you are thinking about the chances of becoming pregnant soon, then you need to limit vigorous physical activity to less than 5 hours a week.

    Curb caffeine:

    If your caffeine intake is below 200 mg per day, then your (female) fertility is not affected. You should consider limiting your caffeine intake to 1 or 2 six-ounce to eight-ounce cups of coffee on daily basis.

    Restrict the extent of alcohol that you drink:

    When you are drinking heavily, then this will increase the risk of ovulation disorders. If you want to get pregnant, then you should consider avoiding alcohol completely. Abstinence at conception and during pregnancy is generally recommended because a safe level of fetal alcohol consumption has not been established.

    Do not smoke:

    When you are smoking, then this is decreasing your fertility. Smoking can age your ovaries and deplete your eggs prematurely. If you are smoking, then ask your health care provider to help you quit.

    Avoiding the night shift is possible:

    When you are regularly working the night shift, then it can put you at higher risk for infertility because this is possibly affecting hormone production. If you do the work night shift, you should get enough sleep when you are not working.

    Add in a multivitamin:

    When you are taking multivitamins, then you have fewer chances of experiencing ovulation infertility. It is estimated that about 20 percent of ovulatory infertility can be avoided if women consume three or more multivitamins per week. It has been shown that multivitamins play important role in infertility. You should choose a multivitamin that has folate in it, so you will have healthy ovulation.

    Minimize stress:

    Stress will not keep you from getting pregnant. But, you should try to minimize stress and practice healthy coping methods, such as relaxation techniques, when you are trying to conceive.

    Prevent STI:

    You should prevent sexually transmitted infections, like gonorrhea and chlamydia because they are leading causes of infertility in women.

    Maintain a healthy weight:

    When you are overweight or significantly underweight, then it can inhibit normal ovulation and can affect your chances of getting pregnant.

    Avoid lubricants:

    In some studies are shown that using most over–the–counter lubricants can combat dryness during sex and they can affect the quality of the sperm. So, it is recommended to avoid lubricants. You can use warm water instead or you can look for fertility-friendly lubricants.

    Take folic acid:

    Folic acid is B vitamin. It can help to prevent birth defects. Also, it assists the body to produce and maintain new cells. You can find folic acid in natural sources, such as peas, dried beans, vegetables, fruits, and leafy green vegetables. You can take an additional folic acid supplement three months before you want to conceive. Also, it is recommended to take a folic acid supplement during the first few months of your pregnancy.

    Avoid trans fats:

    It is important to eat healthy fats on daily basis, so this can boost your fertility and overall health. But, trans fats can increase your risk of ovulatory infertility, because they have negative effects on insulin sensitivity. Trans fats are commonly found in hydrogenated vegetable oils and they are present in some foods, like baked goods, processed products, fried foods, and margarine. Many studies are shown that a diet high in trans fats and lower in unsaturated fats are linked to infertility for both men and women.

    Eat a bigger breakfast:

    Those women who want to have healthy ovulation and who want to get help with their fertility problems should eat a substantial breakfast. One study is found that eating a larger breakfast can improve the hormonal effects of PCOS, which is a major cause of infertility. It is noticed that for moderate-weight women with PCOS, eating most of their calories at breakfast, will reduce the insulin levels by 8% and testosterone levels by 50%. But, the higher levels of both things can lead to infertility.

    At the end of 12 – week study was noticed that these women ovulated more than women who ate a smaller breakfast and larger dinner. This helped them to improve their fertility. But, you need to remember that if you just increase the size of your breakfast and you do not reduce the size of your dinner, then this will lead to weight gain.

    Stay hydrated:

    When you do not drink enough water, then your cervical fluid (which helps the sperm to find the targeted egg) gets sluggish. This is a reason why you need to consume a lot of water until you notice that your urine is light yellow in color.

    Have a lot of sex:

    You should hit the sack two or three times per week, so you will increase your chances of getting pregnant sooner. Some experts are recommending that when you are trying to conceive, then you should have sex once a day or every other day, especially when you are fertile right before and after ovulation.



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